“Most people just want to grill.” That’s a common sentiment in (a)merica. “Just wanting to grill” means that you want to spend time with those you care about and enjoy a meal.
It seems Marx hit on the greatest scheme ever and it will continue to be played out in some form for eternity whenever the baddies want an in. They play off guilt and victimhood. It’s the upper class vs the poor, the black vs the white, the unhealthy vs the healthy. At some point though, once tried enough, we should be able to re-engineer the majority of the children to see this ploy for complete human domination coming in whatever form it takes and whatever groups it selects. And they should eventually not fall for it again. Of course, presently we still have a bunch of UOmes in America who have a firm grip on the reigns. And they are so self assured of what they are owed while perpetrating an inconceivable level of bullshit on the public, that we continue to be subject to bullshit that we have no power over. Pretty frustrating from where I’m at.
I’ve subtly tried to red pill my 6 year old. She’s super bright, and as I’ve returned to God I’ve tried to make sure I’m instilling Catholic values on her. My wife works with a trans and I’ve made it clear to my daughter that it’s a sin and unfortunately that ‘person’ is likely going to hell. We limit our daughter’s tv (aka programming) and make sure we’re on top of any degenerate influences. It is tough though- there’s clearly gender ambiguity pushed on kids, and the work of the devil is all around us. All I can do is put the work in and try as hard as I can to give her the tools to break free from these influences. The 2 year old boy will be getting the same when he’s ready as well. I refuse to raise mere cogs in the machine.
True. I definitely take the us (family) vs them (government/media demons) mentality. And that the state can come and try to take them at any time under false pretenses. It is hard however to teach kids subtlety- they aren’t wired that way so early in their development.
It seems Marx hit on the greatest scheme ever and it will continue to be played out in some form for eternity whenever the baddies want an in. They play off guilt and victimhood. It’s the upper class vs the poor, the black vs the white, the unhealthy vs the healthy. At some point though, once tried enough, we should be able to re-engineer the majority of the children to see this ploy for complete human domination coming in whatever form it takes and whatever groups it selects. And they should eventually not fall for it again. Of course, presently we still have a bunch of UOmes in America who have a firm grip on the reigns. And they are so self assured of what they are owed while perpetrating an inconceivable level of bullshit on the public, that we continue to be subject to bullshit that we have no power over. Pretty frustrating from where I’m at.
Good essay Pete
Thank you
I’ve subtly tried to red pill my 6 year old. She’s super bright, and as I’ve returned to God I’ve tried to make sure I’m instilling Catholic values on her. My wife works with a trans and I’ve made it clear to my daughter that it’s a sin and unfortunately that ‘person’ is likely going to hell. We limit our daughter’s tv (aka programming) and make sure we’re on top of any degenerate influences. It is tough though- there’s clearly gender ambiguity pushed on kids, and the work of the devil is all around us. All I can do is put the work in and try as hard as I can to give her the tools to break free from these influences. The 2 year old boy will be getting the same when he’s ready as well. I refuse to raise mere cogs in the machine.
They not only want to control what your children believe, but also to hate you.
True. I definitely take the us (family) vs them (government/media demons) mentality. And that the state can come and try to take them at any time under false pretenses. It is hard however to teach kids subtlety- they aren’t wired that way so early in their development.
It never stops, does it? These influences are evil and overwhelming.