“Most people just want to grill.” That’s a common sentiment in (a)merica. “Just wanting to grill” means that you want to spend time with those you care about and enjoy a meal. It’s a time when patriarchs impart their values to their family, allowing these values to perpetuate with each new generation. It’s what people have done since time immemorial—an impulse that can’t be denied. Then there are those who may grill, but it’s not the only thing they are doing. They realize that those who just want to grill are easy targets for social engineering, thereby making it easy to achieve complete control over (A)merica. Thus, when these social engineers do take the time to grill (or more likely have someone grill for them), they are also scheming how to take over the minds of those who “just want to grill.” Somewhere along the way—and not too long ago—those who “just want to grill” allowed these social engineers to inject their values, which run counter to those of the patriarchal line. The patriarchs let their guards down and the social engineers started to capture (a)merica too.
Make no mistake, these social engineers are clever. By acquiring the reins of every institution they needed to accomplish their goals, their job became easy. Through monetary policy, they decreased purchasing power, forcing women to work outside the home. By taking over the education system, they were able to mold your child’s mind in its formative years with the values and beliefs they wanted instilled. By infiltrating social organizations, they could convince leaders that the doctrine they have been teaching for centuries was “out of touch” with today’s values. You see, “things have changed; we know more now, and your primitive beliefs just don’t work in these modern times.” Threats and even bribes work as well because man is corruptible. Especially in a system designed to be so fragile, it appears to be constantly on the brink of collapse.
One can make as many excuses as one wants, but unless people are willing to make themselves the first point of blame, they’ll never understand how to repair what has been broken. The system may be designed to keep you in despair of constant panic, but there are people out there who aren’t allowing it to control who they are and what values they are passing down to their progeny. You must make the decision that you are the engineer of what you and your family believe. It is up to you to make sure your children know who you are—who your parents, grandparents, and their ancestors were. Those who would control you want your children to believe that your ancestors were evil. Even if they didn’t engage in acts like “colonization” or “slavery,” they didn’t do enough to stop it before it became what it did. They want your children to believe that because of who their ancestors were, your children are bad people who need to be re-engineered by their “betters.” And that’s not you!
The choice you are faced with is whether your values will be passed onto your children or if it will be a group whose only purpose is to engineer society into an even bigger dystopia than it is turning out to be. Whether your children’s future is one you envision for them or one that will be imposed upon them by malevolent forces seeking to control their every thought and action, please choose wisely.
It seems Marx hit on the greatest scheme ever and it will continue to be played out in some form for eternity whenever the baddies want an in. They play off guilt and victimhood. It’s the upper class vs the poor, the black vs the white, the unhealthy vs the healthy. At some point though, once tried enough, we should be able to re-engineer the majority of the children to see this ploy for complete human domination coming in whatever form it takes and whatever groups it selects. And they should eventually not fall for it again. Of course, presently we still have a bunch of UOmes in America who have a firm grip on the reigns. And they are so self assured of what they are owed while perpetrating an inconceivable level of bullshit on the public, that we continue to be subject to bullshit that we have no power over. Pretty frustrating from where I’m at.
Good essay Pete