I could only manage to listen to about 25 minutes of this "debate" with Dave Smith where Archie Flower insists that racist thoughts ARE, in fact, real violence.


It finally dawned on my yesterday that the entire Fakertarian cohort firmly believes this. This explains the endless hostile replies to my suggestions that we attempt to get racists and homophobes to adopt the NAP which would allow the Wokesters to live in peace. The reply is always that such people are, by definition, statists who believe in aggressive violence. This would include anyone who might take a dim view of the "gay rights community" or the problems of trans people. Even talking to such people is an existential crime. They seem to really believe this. They are dumber than a box of bricks.

This attitude totally destroys libertarianism in practice which is based upon the differentiation between the real problem of human beings, aggressive violence, as opposed to dislike or disgust with the lifestyles, race and ethnicity of others. One may still be disgusted with other people but allow them to live in peace and be a good libertarian. Such an attitude is forbidden in the Fakertarian worldview which implies that libertarianism will not and cannot work because it allows "bigots" to live in peace. (And we all "know" that bigots are, by definition, perpetrators of endless aggressive violence.) Sigh. We're doomed.

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When Dave is finished it will not matter what a "True Scotsman" is and I think that's the point.

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I can't bring myself to send a single fucking dime to the LP until the tone-deaf, sniveling little hall monitors are gone! I'll support the mi-caucs but not the LP national until this is rectified

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I try not to give the LP any attention. I only voted for them a few times when I was disenfranchised from the two parties and still didn't grasp personal responsibility. Once I grasped personal responsibility, there was no more time for voting or parties or any kind of outsourcing in a system of noncompliance. Makes no sense to me whatsoever caring who is in that party. Only care that I am not in any party except the kind I actually have something personally to contribute to that makes a difference, like a pot luck or a local trash clean up or any other voluntary gathering that makes the world better.

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