Back in my lolbertarian days I remember posting a meme that said “Anarchists Unite” which led to getting lectured about how anarchists are individuals and do not need anyone else.
This is perfect and just as good a filter as Malice’s “are some people better than others?”
“Should the right collectivize?”
Yes, of course. Only children and folk singers think that man is an island. Watch and idolize “The Magnificent Seven” like a goddamn adult. This isn’t Fight Club, you’re free to be a unique snowflake, just be able to work as a team. If you prefer “The Expendables” go with that.
>“Oh, so you’re a statist now?”
>“I’m whatever pisses you off enough to grow up or fuck off.”
Lovely. I think a lot of people, myself included, find it much easier to work past and even through differences when there is a task at hand. A concrete collective goal that people can aim at rather than something abstract and individual. Gain wealth vs everyone make a budget at save 10% of your cash this month.
And yes, many are looking to have their surogate activites directed because thats how we have been trained in our schooling. Not mindless but still better as drones with solid leadership from those with the brains to direct and the charisma to be listened to. This is a team sport, we need a few team captains and at least one decent coach. Preferably a few coaches for the different aspects.
Well said, Pete. Uniting around common goals and a shared vision of restoring what Rothbard called the Old Republic is the best way forward. I would love to hear you, Marc Clair and Dave Smith discuss this at length. While I don’t think the LPMC is the thing that going to “save us,” I do think it could be a powerful tool.
I agree that we need a united front against the left, but I don't see how starting this out with "Back in my lolbertarian days" helps toward that goal. You could've just as easily used "libertarian" there and not taken a pot-shot.
This is perfect and just as good a filter as Malice’s “are some people better than others?”
“Should the right collectivize?”
Yes, of course. Only children and folk singers think that man is an island. Watch and idolize “The Magnificent Seven” like a goddamn adult. This isn’t Fight Club, you’re free to be a unique snowflake, just be able to work as a team. If you prefer “The Expendables” go with that.
>“Oh, so you’re a statist now?”
>“I’m whatever pisses you off enough to grow up or fuck off.”
Completely agree with all of this and also I very much prefer the expendables lol
Lovely. I think a lot of people, myself included, find it much easier to work past and even through differences when there is a task at hand. A concrete collective goal that people can aim at rather than something abstract and individual. Gain wealth vs everyone make a budget at save 10% of your cash this month.
And yes, many are looking to have their surogate activites directed because thats how we have been trained in our schooling. Not mindless but still better as drones with solid leadership from those with the brains to direct and the charisma to be listened to. This is a team sport, we need a few team captains and at least one decent coach. Preferably a few coaches for the different aspects.
Great piece Peter! Your work is important…Thank you!
Thank you JayJay
Well said, Pete. Uniting around common goals and a shared vision of restoring what Rothbard called the Old Republic is the best way forward. I would love to hear you, Marc Clair and Dave Smith discuss this at length. While I don’t think the LPMC is the thing that going to “save us,” I do think it could be a powerful tool.
I agree that we need a united front against the left, but I don't see how starting this out with "Back in my lolbertarian days" helps toward that goal. You could've just as easily used "libertarian" there and not taken a pot-shot.
Because leading with that let's me know where the people I seek to unify with are at by their reaction to it.
I see this as well. But wounded animals are still dangerous