Back in my lolbertarian days I remember posting a meme that said “Anarchists Unite” which led to getting lectured about how anarchists are individuals and do not need anyone else. Sure the comments were not from “thought leaders” in libertarianism (as a “thought leader” loves to remind me) but there are some people on Twitter with 200 followers who get more interaction because of their abject idiocy than the top tHoUgHt lEaDeRs do. Hence, onlookers both inside the tribe and not are horrified. Posting about ending wars or the Fed doesn’t garner much attention, but Tweets about “age of consent” laws and how open prostitution in the streets is fine because the NAP isn’t violated, well, that gets the attention of not only the in-group but normies as well.
However, the idea of “uniting” against your enemies should be considered rational, realistic even. And who are these “enemies”? In my opinion they are the people who want you dead, who want you to be held down and a needle forced into your arm and they are the ones who want to groom your children into a lifestyle which should be relegated to the shadows and only “practiced” by consenting adults. These are your enemies. THEY are the ones dictating the culture with the support of the State, the Academy, the Press and Social Media. They are winning because they control the narrative. Why they control the narrative is a whole other subject entirely and I want this to be about unity so will put that subject aside for now.
Common Ground
I don’t call myself a libertarian anymore but I do realize that there are basic principles inside the ideology that are universal for human flourishing. Private property rights, sound economics, etc, are keys to order. These things have been promised to Americans, but never delivered. If you’re within the libertarian and ANCAP camp and we share common ground and recognize who the enemy is, we should work together instead of tearing each other down. I acknowledge I’ve been guilty of this and I apologize.
BUT, to believe the Left and Right are culturally the same is to have ideological blinders on and I can’t even read one of your Tweets, much less ally with you. In all honesty I see you as on the side of my enemies as your inaction and excuses further empower them. A culture of sanity based on the foundational principles upon which America was built, and which many parts of the country still hold to, is powerful. We don’t need another culture competing against it when the one that successfully built this country already exists. To say a distinct “libertarian culture” needs to be created is insane and exposes that the person saying this has no understanding how culture is created in the first place. We need to remind people that a robust and successful culture already exists. And rallying against a common enemy is a great starting point. However, again, one must recognize who the greatest threat is right now.
‘Neither Left, Nor Right’
A common critique by libertarians and anarchists against those of us whose eyes have been opened to just how much the dominant culture dictates society’s health is that we “hate the Left more than we do the State.” When someone says that I immediately dismiss them out of hand as they do not recognize that the Left IS the State. The Left controlled the State when Trump was in office and it has been guiding the culture for quite some time. I made the statement recently that “if you want to stop the wars you have to change the dominant culture.” I stand by that. There was a time when the culture of the Right was one that was against foreign intervention. But just as you’ve seen the crazy Left infiltrate everything including the Libertarian Party (since purged in an epic way and I praise the MC’s efforts and plead with them to gate-keep like crazy to shut them out permanently), so have they influenced the Right into becoming warmongers through the infiltration of the Neo-Conservatives who are nothing but far-left Trotskyites. The Right needs to be reminded of who they are.
A United Front
We should not be fooled into believing that we will agree on everything. The Left has factions that fight like cats and dogs yet at the end of the day they present a united front and work together to “reward their friends and punish their enemies.” That, if you didn’t realize it, is what politics is. It’s not difficult to be unified if we all share a common goal. But, again, in my opinion that goal should be to smash the American Left and demonize their ideology to the point that parents make it a cautionary tale or a scary campfire story. AND, we all don’t have to be doing the same thing in order to achieve it. But I would call on people to constantly examine their path to see if it’s moving the needle. If you don’t think it is, reach out to others and ask for help and to coordinate strategies
The Left wins because of many reasons but unity is a big one. If the libertarian and anarchist Right can’t, or won’t, see this, they are doomed to be irrelevant. I have much more to say about this topic but thought this would be a good place to start. Please let me know your thoughts on this. I’m interested in hearing what you have to say.
This is perfect and just as good a filter as Malice’s “are some people better than others?”
“Should the right collectivize?”
Yes, of course. Only children and folk singers think that man is an island. Watch and idolize “The Magnificent Seven” like a goddamn adult. This isn’t Fight Club, you’re free to be a unique snowflake, just be able to work as a team. If you prefer “The Expendables” go with that.
>“Oh, so you’re a statist now?”
>“I’m whatever pisses you off enough to grow up or fuck off.”
Lovely. I think a lot of people, myself included, find it much easier to work past and even through differences when there is a task at hand. A concrete collective goal that people can aim at rather than something abstract and individual. Gain wealth vs everyone make a budget at save 10% of your cash this month.
And yes, many are looking to have their surogate activites directed because thats how we have been trained in our schooling. Not mindless but still better as drones with solid leadership from those with the brains to direct and the charisma to be listened to. This is a team sport, we need a few team captains and at least one decent coach. Preferably a few coaches for the different aspects.