Great article. I've worked in public and private financial markets for a while and everything about this seems off.

Prior to twitter Elon has been under investigation by the SEC and DOJ for violations for quite some time. Any other CEO/Shareholder that has done what he has done would have been kicked out.

If I had to put my Pete Quinones hat on I would say the last the regime wants is too lose control of Twitter. Let's put Elon in charge, the public loves him. Let him keep his wealth but run things pretty much the same and in exchange we won't prosecute him and let him keep most of his money. Veil of free speech on Twitter is now back and people return to the Twitter narrative despite what people were saying these past several years.

If you follow Elon for a while you can see he is a modern day PT Barnum. It's always spectacle which is funded primarily by other peoples cash money while enriching himself.

Solar City bailout of his family was a prime example. Saves family investors by bailing Solar City out which is basically a environmental tax credit financial engineering scheme. Where are those nationwide roofs he promised by the way. Other ventures like Boring Co., Tesla Truck, Semi etc. were well documented prior to the bid.

Not to mention his army of PI's, laws and PR that attacked and doxed people on Twitter

As of today, the process of the deal was strange. He threw out a bid then got financing? Usually you have most of that pretty lined up in a public market deal. Twitter DIDN'T require go-shop provision. Which means Twitter would go to market and see if they could get a better price. That's really rare, especially for a public company that could sue the board and co for not getting best price for shareholders in broader auction. Because of the breakup fee ($1BN),

Elon now has basically a $1BN call option to purchase a $44BN company. If he likes the company and public reaction he can pull the trigger and close or walk away and pay $1BN to Twitter.

Could be something to this or not. Just seems way off...

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Good info. Thank you.

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No prob. You have given a lot. If you ever have any financial/healthcare market questions let me know.

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This is one of your best articles Peter!!!

"...They mirror what is happening in society... " It is a symbiotic relationship. Society seems to move with these social media threads as well.

When people lack of meaningful goals for a future society, but unfortunately it begins within ourselves. Everyone waits for some sort of "saviour" to take charge and the word HOPE is the best weapon of any controlling agent (political, religious or social).

Hope invites to stay still and wait. So yes I beilive they think we are morons.

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What Ari Melber is talking about is what Corpojurno’s do to Dissidents & Regime Enemies on a daily basis. I don’t know what Elon Musks vision for Twitter is but these Lizards freaking out is flash backs of trump coming down the escalator & all out Media Meltdown in 2016. So when Ari gives away the whole plot its not a shock or hypocritical because I want these Jurno’s Free speech banned & have them prosecuted & thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. Scum like this is why I am not a free speech absolutist. People like this should never be given a position of power & if that makes me a Fascist Authoritarian so fucking be it.

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