I truly think society will return to a tribal state or a version of Hoppe’s 10,000 Liechtensteins. It may not happen exactly the way we would like, but it will happen. We’re getting closer and closer to enough people having seen what “liberal democracy” has to offer and that all its ultimately accomplished is queering kids, killing babies and indulging in every form of bestial behavior.

The episode with Owen Benjamin was, as the episode title said, a white pill. He’s proof of what can be done by good men who assert themselves to protect their families from this freakish death cult. We will win. What that will look like might not be Ancapistan, but it will be a freer (in the important ways), happier and healthier society.

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Even you, Pete, would have been stunned by the childish responses I got from a well-seasoned Mises lolbert on why they’re too paralyzed to form an “issue coalition” with a guy like Bannon... who is literally fire-hosing hundreds of thousands of boomercons and trumpanzees and political novices about the Fed on a 3x daily basis?

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