I was listening to Nikki Haley speak when it occurred to me how fucking fringe I am. There are ppl who i used to think that i alligned with who would happily vote for her.

Fox News highlights "good gays" for Pride month.

Our neighbor policemen who share our values in their personal lives would protect Antifa's "rights" to block traffic over my right to move freely.

At least i have a social circle of normies, but sometimes i just have to quietly shake my head at some of the shit they buy into.

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Yes, the Evola quote and the Yarvin quote are both great. But, the Pete quote wins the inner-webs for today: "Even if people you meet in real life can’t articulate the Spirit of the Age like you can, just being around people who haven’t bought into the insanity is calming. I can’t express how important it is to engage with like-minded folk in real life. It’s the way we were meant to interact."

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The last three years for me has been a record scratch on my sanity, working as I do in medicine. I always knew there was insanity about in medicine, but I comforted myself that it was only in pockets that were easily isolated, Kinda like the "bad cop" in a police department, I guess. But it didn't take long to see that not only was there no pushback on illogical government edicts involving population control in a pandemic from supposed "experts", there was outright encouragement of these obviously failed policies. I still recall telling people to cough into their elbow and wash their fucking hands as mitigation - a policy that I stand by as I continue to see colleagues insanely wear a mask for unknown reasons.

I no longer have a home with these psychopaths. But I've truly never felt better.

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That last sentence. It's the beginning of sanity

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