The left has successfully captured every important societal institution and we’re now living the results of that. The only way forward is to recapture those institutions and block the left from ever inhabiting them again. A strategy of disengagement, individualism and hope for societal collapse will only give these animals more power. They have to be engaged and have their power destroyed. The institutions that undergird society are even more necessary if we hope to achieve if we hope to defeat the state.
As long as my ideology is pure they can't do anything to me. And then, at the last minute, when they come for me, I have the moral right to engage them.
Bonus points for the warm fluffies you get to feel for having a pure ideology! Sure, our kids might get castrated or have their tits chopped off, we might eliminate all no no words and we might abort a whole generation, but our ideology is pure!
The moral right to engage as an individual against every person around you including your friends and loved ones who won't stand up to help you for fear of the repercussions of challenging unabated, indomitable power.
If we can’t agree on the enemy we’re not on the same team.
If you sit on your ass all day and call others a statist you’re not principled, you’re a loser with zero skin in the game. I don’t want to be hostile toward those who are still me from 5 seconds ago, but the way of the world is that the most annoying thing in existence is you 5 seconds ago.
Yup, been talking to a lot of people who are "anarchists" who are closer to my value set and vision model. I call them "my tribe." You are not alone. We are all so sick of people thinking that you just buy a plot of land and shit will grow. You have kids, you just homeschool them- as if your life and views on EVERYTHING won't change.. You just get chickens and you have eggs- as if chickens won't eat the eggs or not lay for various reasons or they cost more to feed than eggs cost at the store. They have no idea the exhaustive hours it takes to get soil to be able to sustain and nourish food (for you and your fowl/livestock). They have no idea how they will balance that effort with making money to sustain them in the meanwhile. They don;t consider the time learning canning and preserving their food and all the mistakes along the way that just crush you after exhaustive efforts and wasted resources. They never balance any of this with the time, effort and energy of homeschooling and being the sole overseer of their own children. The people I know are sick and tired of idealism. WE are living it. We know it's hard. We know the sacrifices one must make, and we recognize the very real changes in perspective once children are a priority, particularly with special needs children. Sick of watching "principled anarchists" fly around from event to event on someone else's dime with little of the action of what many of us live to show for it. Bernie Sanders believed and prosthelytized the principles of communism. In principle, he was the perfect communist. But he could never live in a commune. It would have been too hard and cost him too much to transition even in baby steps and small sacrifices to living the principles he believed in so ardently. But when one starts to have a clear, Jack Spirko style clear picture of the work it will take, not just to sustain oneself solely on one's own effort, but then to think of liberating the world from the systems they currently rely upon to survive, you see their mission change from needing to get everyone on board with principles and more on board with actions. There's a major transition. I went through this unconsciously in my apartment. I don't want to just talk about anarchy. i want to live in accordance with my beliefs. I don't believe in making excuses for not being whatever change I can be wherever I am. So, I grew a huge garden on a tiny balcony and every bit of window space I had. I was looking into home composting and all sorts of things. Baby steps. I admire baby steps. I don't hold nearly the admiration for people that boast of being anarchists longer than me or being more popular than me that have been standing around talking while people they brought into the fold took off running with it, working on it, finding flaws in the philosophy, trying to find answers and superseded them in living it while they condemn, condemn, condemn anyone who asks a question: how do we handle this situation? It's very real in my life today. "i DoNt hAvE tO hAvE aLl ThE aNsWeRs. tHaTs NoT wHaT mAkEs mE A gOoD aNaRcHiSt." I get it. Sticking your head in the sand to avoid confrontation or do what it takes to find a solution for when the rubber hits the road isn't your forte. So remind me what it is you do again for the sake of humanity? That's a cop out. Giving people delusions and false hope without any practical knowledge on the real question for all of time for all of humanity: "how shall we then live?"
You've got nothing to prove Pete. People who make those complaints will NEVER be the ones to put any skin in the game. As stated in the very first sentence of this post. The debate is fucking over. Serious people are transitioning, or have transitioned into the next stage of dealing with our current situation. We're networking, building wealth, and doing what we can to Ride this Tiger no matter what is to come.
'Step over' should be the default move to anyone you dont already deem as a legitimate radical.
Got my first unsubscribe over this one. That was to be expected.
I'm kind of surprised! Truest post ever.
That’s cute lmfao. This isn’t anything but truth though.
The left has successfully captured every important societal institution and we’re now living the results of that. The only way forward is to recapture those institutions and block the left from ever inhabiting them again. A strategy of disengagement, individualism and hope for societal collapse will only give these animals more power. They have to be engaged and have their power destroyed. The institutions that undergird society are even more necessary if we hope to achieve if we hope to defeat the state.
Marcus, Marcus, Marcus
As long as my ideology is pure they can't do anything to me. And then, at the last minute, when they come for me, I have the moral right to engage them.
Checkmate, I win!
Bonus points for the warm fluffies you get to feel for having a pure ideology! Sure, our kids might get castrated or have their tits chopped off, we might eliminate all no no words and we might abort a whole generation, but our ideology is pure!
I believe Auron has a sign about this
The moral right to engage as an individual against every person around you including your friends and loved ones who won't stand up to help you for fear of the repercussions of challenging unabated, indomitable power.
Good luck with your .05 seconds of winning in martyrdom.
Terminology = pronouns
If we can’t agree on the enemy we’re not on the same team.
If you sit on your ass all day and call others a statist you’re not principled, you’re a loser with zero skin in the game. I don’t want to be hostile toward those who are still me from 5 seconds ago, but the way of the world is that the most annoying thing in existence is you 5 seconds ago.
Yup, been talking to a lot of people who are "anarchists" who are closer to my value set and vision model. I call them "my tribe." You are not alone. We are all so sick of people thinking that you just buy a plot of land and shit will grow. You have kids, you just homeschool them- as if your life and views on EVERYTHING won't change.. You just get chickens and you have eggs- as if chickens won't eat the eggs or not lay for various reasons or they cost more to feed than eggs cost at the store. They have no idea the exhaustive hours it takes to get soil to be able to sustain and nourish food (for you and your fowl/livestock). They have no idea how they will balance that effort with making money to sustain them in the meanwhile. They don;t consider the time learning canning and preserving their food and all the mistakes along the way that just crush you after exhaustive efforts and wasted resources. They never balance any of this with the time, effort and energy of homeschooling and being the sole overseer of their own children. The people I know are sick and tired of idealism. WE are living it. We know it's hard. We know the sacrifices one must make, and we recognize the very real changes in perspective once children are a priority, particularly with special needs children. Sick of watching "principled anarchists" fly around from event to event on someone else's dime with little of the action of what many of us live to show for it. Bernie Sanders believed and prosthelytized the principles of communism. In principle, he was the perfect communist. But he could never live in a commune. It would have been too hard and cost him too much to transition even in baby steps and small sacrifices to living the principles he believed in so ardently. But when one starts to have a clear, Jack Spirko style clear picture of the work it will take, not just to sustain oneself solely on one's own effort, but then to think of liberating the world from the systems they currently rely upon to survive, you see their mission change from needing to get everyone on board with principles and more on board with actions. There's a major transition. I went through this unconsciously in my apartment. I don't want to just talk about anarchy. i want to live in accordance with my beliefs. I don't believe in making excuses for not being whatever change I can be wherever I am. So, I grew a huge garden on a tiny balcony and every bit of window space I had. I was looking into home composting and all sorts of things. Baby steps. I admire baby steps. I don't hold nearly the admiration for people that boast of being anarchists longer than me or being more popular than me that have been standing around talking while people they brought into the fold took off running with it, working on it, finding flaws in the philosophy, trying to find answers and superseded them in living it while they condemn, condemn, condemn anyone who asks a question: how do we handle this situation? It's very real in my life today. "i DoNt hAvE tO hAvE aLl ThE aNsWeRs. tHaTs NoT wHaT mAkEs mE A gOoD aNaRcHiSt." I get it. Sticking your head in the sand to avoid confrontation or do what it takes to find a solution for when the rubber hits the road isn't your forte. So remind me what it is you do again for the sake of humanity? That's a cop out. Giving people delusions and false hope without any practical knowledge on the real question for all of time for all of humanity: "how shall we then live?"
You're so obviously on the right path. Why debate anyone too dumb to see that they're on the wrong one?
The right people will catch up to us, the unworthy will stay on the wrong path arguing about the NAP or some stupid shit.
So good. Thank you. You hit the nail on the head and have helped me feel more clear
You're welcome
I’m hoping to move out of DFW to Central TX and Lockhart would be great, but housing prices have been skyrocketing out there.
Lots of important points in here Peter…Thank you!
You're welcome JayJay
Go off King!
You've got nothing to prove Pete. People who make those complaints will NEVER be the ones to put any skin in the game. As stated in the very first sentence of this post. The debate is fucking over. Serious people are transitioning, or have transitioned into the next stage of dealing with our current situation. We're networking, building wealth, and doing what we can to Ride this Tiger no matter what is to come.
'Step over' should be the default move to anyone you dont already deem as a legitimate radical.