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If they do, there will be others who are caught in an ever increasing dragnet. Much like the wars they fight overseas, for every "domestic terrorist" destroyed, they will likely harm 10x "terrorist adjacents" in the process. Martyrs will happen, it is a consequence of their power preservation. The masses are pissed, and they should be, we have been taken for a hell of a ride. Those in power figured out how to use our own minds against us, but, I contend quite strongly, they have overplayed their hand. They have less power than they think, their conclusions are less rational than they think, and it doesn't take advance degrees to understand the gross abuses of power at the behest of a large chunk of the public. The signal exists, and it can't be turned off. Unfortunately that signal is on the back of the zombification machine, so there will be more drones than ever trying to get the "adda boys", followed by promotions and material wealth (fueled by the illusion of a guaranteed salary and debt), and ultimate defenders of the status quo, the source of their livelihood. Worse, the people convinced "they are making the world a better place" think utilitarian well before they think of natural rights as a decision making to their governance. But their ranks are shrinking, not growing compared to their opposition. The zombies they create are hopelessly dependent on the systems in place, which are cracking quicker and quicker. More people each day are fed up with the constant assault of bullshit propaganda coming from the top. The economic destruction they create opens up more to a new perspective, finally free (albeit not of their choice) of the systems. But the impoverished lower and middle classes will latch on to whatever they believe reduce the suffering, especially for their children, and will be more than ready to sacrifice. Unfortunately, I am not sure there is a cohesive opposition to all of this (yet). An alliance of gen-X philosophers, hackers, punk-rock culture, and special operations combat vets appears to be forming that has enough armor to push back on the onslaught from the elites into our lives, but I think it is too early to tell. They make this group public enemies at their peril. 1) They are not enemies of the public, but their champions. 2) Many have been in the belly of the beast and know how it works, where it is vulnerable, and how to exploit it. 3) They are not the idiots who directly attack the state with violence or worse destroy their fellow citizens livelihood when they are active. I am no fan of this brewing cold civil war, but not as much as I hate power over reach. I guess we will have to see what happens next. They have kicked the hornets nest.

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