You must work harder to offend me. I noticed the LP is a center party anymore. Any political ideology against the current state of things must be very polarizing in terms of leadership.

Any party who wants succeed now has to find ONE THING that either side of the ostracized agree. we

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The desperate attempts to be "accepted" by the approved priest/intellectual class is pathetically expected. The line in the sand mentality of the founders of this country isn't exactly the center of gravity of the LP. As everyone insists on spending their time defeating the boogeymen of the past, how many lines in that sand have been crossed? This isn't true everywhere, and I feel for those battling out with zombie hoard in the blue connectome that masquerades as the majority, but it might be vote with your feet time. The LP avenue isn't dead to me, but as long as they attempt to brace everyone and everything, the signal will be overwhelmed by the noise. By all accounts what the strategy was didn't work. Change will always bring out the resistance from those who stand to lose influence, which is power, but if they insist on the strategy of "ah schucks!" when defeated over and over again I don't think very many of us will tolerate vanilla action much longer. What is there proposal exactly?

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