I’m not backing off my belief that the only way the Libertarian Party (LP) will become relevant is if the powers that be declare it a radical organization and/or a potential threat to “our democracy.” How else could the LP hope to get the kind of attention it needs to successfully get the message out to the masses that the neo-liberal center is a criminal cabal that rules every aspect of your life? That the corporate press is the cabal’s propaganda arm. Why isn’t the LP taking this route?
Members of the LP, along with many others promoting Rothbardian/Misesian/or whatever kind of liberty, simply have their priorities out of whack when it comes to the biggest dangers we face in society. Many of the loudest voices will decry an “offensive,” dark-humored meme before they’ll speak out against vaccine passports or possible mandatory vaccinations. Why? I believe it’s because it’s the easy way out. A certain segment of the population to whom these people grovel for acceptance, The Left, will praise them for their “anti-racist” stance, but will instantly attack them if they even remotely question the “vaccine religion” the Left has adopted.
The best explanation I can come up with for this mentality - which is dominant within current LP leadership - is that they realize the Left is always in charge, and somehow if they “play nice” with them, the Left will… what? That’s my fucking question for these stupid motherfuckers. What do they think they’re going to get from the Left? Respect? If they believe that they’re fucking idiots. If you’re a libertarian they fucking hate you by default. Didn’t the LP notice at the beginning of the “pandemic” (a term these fuckers still use even with the mounting evidence that the numbers were wildly inflated) all the Twitter posts about how the “pandemic” disproves libertarianism? Is that why these pieces of shit adopted the “pandemic” language and showed up to the conventions with fucking diapers on their faces like virtue signaling assholes?! If they desire acceptance from the status quo then they are useless when it comes to fighting for liberty. I’d invoke the Founding Fathers here but most of the toadies would probably point out that they were racist and summarily dismiss them.
I honestly don’t know why I give a fuck about the LP anymore other than they have “libertarian” in their name. And I don’t even know why I care about that. What are we selling? And if it is the “greatest political ideology” ever devised then that should be self-evident. It should be able to pierce through 15,000 hours of Prussian schooling indoctrination like a hot knife through butter. But it doesn’t. It has to be “sold” and it needs the “right salesman.” Think about that. Think about it long and hard. If people need to be sold on something, do they really want it? And if they do buy it but aren’t ready for it how will they use it? Please start thinking outside the box, people.
You must work harder to offend me. I noticed the LP is a center party anymore. Any political ideology against the current state of things must be very polarizing in terms of leadership.
Any party who wants succeed now has to find ONE THING that either side of the ostracized agree. we
The desperate attempts to be "accepted" by the approved priest/intellectual class is pathetically expected. The line in the sand mentality of the founders of this country isn't exactly the center of gravity of the LP. As everyone insists on spending their time defeating the boogeymen of the past, how many lines in that sand have been crossed? This isn't true everywhere, and I feel for those battling out with zombie hoard in the blue connectome that masquerades as the majority, but it might be vote with your feet time. The LP avenue isn't dead to me, but as long as they attempt to brace everyone and everything, the signal will be overwhelmed by the noise. By all accounts what the strategy was didn't work. Change will always bring out the resistance from those who stand to lose influence, which is power, but if they insist on the strategy of "ah schucks!" when defeated over and over again I don't think very many of us will tolerate vanilla action much longer. What is there proposal exactly?