Ah, the synchronicities of the universe...just watched Die, Hippie, Die last night, it's amazing to me how spot on many of the early seasons of South Park were. But, I digress....

I just want to add that your plan doesn't have to star you, be driven entirely by you, from your doorstep to the pinnacle of the globohomo elite...How do you eat an elephant? A bite at a time.

Your plan should start with an honest self assessment of your skills, weaknesses, time, resources, and how far you're willing to go. Start with yourself and the things you can change now and work into the rest. Simply attending school board, city council, county commissioner, etc meetings gets the ball rolling. Then start asking questions, then introduce topics to the agenda, maybe then run for a spot.

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If i were a billionaire i'd create a gawker that focused on anyone who has power within the regime. I'd have paparazzi types following everyone from politicians and reporters and professors to gs 15s, ngo employees , charities and appointees.

Why? Because literally no one actually names them. No real actual people who arent politicians ever get blame for the harm they cause. All of them are safe in their anonymity. They all need to be made famous, imo.

I support your efforts Pete and please let us all know if we can help go on the offense.

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Libertarians don't even have a plan to help convince normies that inflation isn't a mysterious force of nature and is instead a monstrous scam of theft and fraud. They don't know that they even need such a plan or that none of their ideas will ever come to fruition until a significant percentage of the population grasps the simple basic features of the fiat money system. That's just one relatively simple issue. zzzzzzzz

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I've been screaming about things like this forever in situations as wide ranging as work meetings (people love a pointless meeting with no actionables) to lifestyle changes to political complaints. It's easy to bitch and moan about the state of things or about what needs to change. It's difficult to actually take the reigns and do something about it but something must be done. You're absolutely right about doing things in bite sized chunks Pete. This is always the most digestible way to begin. It is in a way afterall how the psychotic left has come to be where they are, by slowly taking bits and pieces away over the years until we arrived here..

My mom always told me growing up, you have 1 hour to have your little pity party, after that either move on or figure out what you're going to do about it to change whatever it is that you're upset about

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Based mom bro. Give her a hug for me 💝

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She is truly amazing. One of the wisest most grounded people I’ve ever known

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