I have been saying for almost a decade, if the president change completely ruins your life immediately, thats your own fault you setup such a shitty dependent life. Trump in my opinion just helps slow down this leftist death train to commie town, so I can use the time to build my business, strap up, and make plans, etc. I want to manufacture firearms, Biden can squash that, Trump or Republican can hold that off 4x as long as it would happen with biden. Owning a business that is becoming successful did change a lot of my opinions about politics, but fundamentally it's just about being informed, as in Ryan Dawson James Corbett Richard Grove redpill informed, in order to calculate the proper maneuvers for preservation of myself and my family.
Like most people with a brain, I don't like Trump. I hate him slightly less than I hate the fucking dems. What advantage I see in Trump being president, is maybe one more term of the status quo where I can slip under the radar and get some shit done.
I know. It should have been done long ago. Thanks. That helps. Well it's not done, so that's what I have to deal with.
If Biden winning means that the covid bullshit ends, then Biden becomes the slightly less hated because then I can get my shit done.
I can't make both of them not be president. I have zero control of the choice. Whatever happens I will adjust my plans accordingly and try to survive whatever shitstorm is headed my way.
I do know I'm fucked if I have to do this shit alone.
Another problem we have is this is the attempt at reform of empire (every empire tries it), and Trump is shaping up to be (by comparison) our "bloodless Sulla".
The only hope is to learn from the fucking commies, and take over a state. Yah...I know. An agorist minarchist or some such thing.
Fact is, we have to live in the world we have and hope to create the world we want. To enact any meaningful change, it means having enough people in a relatively small area to change the demographics.
Instead of fucking around federally, focus all of those scattered and diluted resources and energy into overwhelming the retards. Then get Ron Paul (may he live forever) or Tom woods or Bob Murphy or you, Pete, to be president to free market and NAP the shit out of that place.
Kind of a Free State Project but on a large enough scale to make a difference and to have enough inertia to present at least a bit of a 'fuck around and find out' vibe.
Within a decade, there will be no more libertarian-ish corners in the country and the land of the free won't even be the pipe dream it is now.
I get it. Government is bad. The system sucks. A libertarian government is a contradiction. I know, but right now, we are being fucked around and all they are finding out is we aren't organized enough to do anything about it.
Frankly, I'm tired of winter. The only ice I want to see is in a drink so I pick Georgia, Texas and/or Florida. Montana, Idaho or Wyoming are probably better choices but winter sucks there too.
I don't think it's hopeless and I don't feel like giving up. Getting libertarians to agree on anything is like herding rabid cats, but if we do nothing, your bug out plans better include leaving the USA, because any vestiges of freedom will soon be gone.
There's a better than even chance I have my head totally up my ass about this. Lots of smarter people out there than me but I do know federal libertarian dreams will never work.
This last election, libertarians were blamed for everything from covid to Trump losing. The deck is stacked.
That fucktard Scarborough is right about one thing...Demographics are everything.
Wouldn’t taking over some state or region of the country and declaring it Redpillistan just make it easier for authoritarians to Ruby Ridge us all at once? There has to be some advantage to there being pockets of us all over the country.
Maybe...if it was a small community. But if that was the case, they could do it right now.
That's one advantage of using their system. It has the illusion of legitimate democracy (whatever that means).
Nothing is 100% sure in human affairs. The goal is to be big enough that we can push back or make enough trouble to be not worth fucking with, kinda like BLM and Antifa.
They have proven beyond doubt that there are real limitations to what the monopoly on force can achieve. Armed cops are still coward cops and disappear at the first sign of shit.
The state loves the red flag technique: one house at a time. Get a few hundred people together and they shit themselves.
If we stay diluted and disorganized, we're fucked for sure. They don't have to Ruby Ridge us. They'll just wait until the libertarian's natural entropy whittles us away to nothing.
I 100% agree about the red flag technique. That's just pure Gulag Archipelago, all the way. Maybe the solution is something more like many multiple small communities, something like 50-150 people in each.
Blame Pete for my position on minimum 'safe from the state' community size, but almost 80 people died at Waco, so that's not big enough. Theoretically, a small family should be able to fly under the radar, but Ruby Ridge kinda puts that idea to bed.
Realistically, there is no one 'safe' number. It depends on lots of things. Probably ideal from a personal/family level, is to have a loose community in reasonably close proximity to each other, with diversified skills, in a self supporting, voluntary association.
Failing that, go big or go home, I reckon. There are definite potential advantages to turning government rules on them. A state has more control over it's resources and day to day dealings, than the fed does over that same population. Right off the bat, you get a National Guard to provide protection as well as the 'find out' part of the NAP.
Within their own rules, States have a great deal of autonomy. State governments can pretty much rule as they please so imagine if all of the dreams and ideals of libertarians, were backed by the power of a state?
My glance at the magic 8 ball shows that if we don't carve out ourselves a little bit of the USofA, we might as well just turn over our guns now because more sooner than later, some government is going to come for them...then you.
Apparently regions in the UK people are massively migrating into or away from based entirely on policies that are authoritarian people are trying desperately to avoid. I can’t believe it’s come to this. People truly believe that they are ruled by outside forces based on geography. It’s nuts that they perpetuate these ridiculous beliefs by compromising their support systems, relationships and livelihoods by relocating to a place where they can tolerate being obedient. At some point though, there aren’t enough rooms in the mansion for everyone to get the privilege of being a house slave. At some point, all these quiet complaints gotta throw the face mask in the dumpster fire with the rest of the harmful and ludicrous ideas.
I have been saying for almost a decade, if the president change completely ruins your life immediately, thats your own fault you setup such a shitty dependent life. Trump in my opinion just helps slow down this leftist death train to commie town, so I can use the time to build my business, strap up, and make plans, etc. I want to manufacture firearms, Biden can squash that, Trump or Republican can hold that off 4x as long as it would happen with biden. Owning a business that is becoming successful did change a lot of my opinions about politics, but fundamentally it's just about being informed, as in Ryan Dawson James Corbett Richard Grove redpill informed, in order to calculate the proper maneuvers for preservation of myself and my family.
Chuck Scarborough? Is that reference or a typo.
Like most people with a brain, I don't like Trump. I hate him slightly less than I hate the fucking dems. What advantage I see in Trump being president, is maybe one more term of the status quo where I can slip under the radar and get some shit done.
I know. It should have been done long ago. Thanks. That helps. Well it's not done, so that's what I have to deal with.
If Biden winning means that the covid bullshit ends, then Biden becomes the slightly less hated because then I can get my shit done.
I can't make both of them not be president. I have zero control of the choice. Whatever happens I will adjust my plans accordingly and try to survive whatever shitstorm is headed my way.
I do know I'm fucked if I have to do this shit alone.
Another problem we have is this is the attempt at reform of empire (every empire tries it), and Trump is shaping up to be (by comparison) our "bloodless Sulla".
The only hope is to learn from the fucking commies, and take over a state. Yah...I know. An agorist minarchist or some such thing.
Fact is, we have to live in the world we have and hope to create the world we want. To enact any meaningful change, it means having enough people in a relatively small area to change the demographics.
Instead of fucking around federally, focus all of those scattered and diluted resources and energy into overwhelming the retards. Then get Ron Paul (may he live forever) or Tom woods or Bob Murphy or you, Pete, to be president to free market and NAP the shit out of that place.
Kind of a Free State Project but on a large enough scale to make a difference and to have enough inertia to present at least a bit of a 'fuck around and find out' vibe.
Within a decade, there will be no more libertarian-ish corners in the country and the land of the free won't even be the pipe dream it is now.
I get it. Government is bad. The system sucks. A libertarian government is a contradiction. I know, but right now, we are being fucked around and all they are finding out is we aren't organized enough to do anything about it.
Frankly, I'm tired of winter. The only ice I want to see is in a drink so I pick Georgia, Texas and/or Florida. Montana, Idaho or Wyoming are probably better choices but winter sucks there too.
I don't think it's hopeless and I don't feel like giving up. Getting libertarians to agree on anything is like herding rabid cats, but if we do nothing, your bug out plans better include leaving the USA, because any vestiges of freedom will soon be gone.
There's a better than even chance I have my head totally up my ass about this. Lots of smarter people out there than me but I do know federal libertarian dreams will never work.
This last election, libertarians were blamed for everything from covid to Trump losing. The deck is stacked.
That fucktard Scarborough is right about one thing...Demographics are everything.
Wouldn’t taking over some state or region of the country and declaring it Redpillistan just make it easier for authoritarians to Ruby Ridge us all at once? There has to be some advantage to there being pockets of us all over the country.
Maybe...if it was a small community. But if that was the case, they could do it right now.
That's one advantage of using their system. It has the illusion of legitimate democracy (whatever that means).
Nothing is 100% sure in human affairs. The goal is to be big enough that we can push back or make enough trouble to be not worth fucking with, kinda like BLM and Antifa.
They have proven beyond doubt that there are real limitations to what the monopoly on force can achieve. Armed cops are still coward cops and disappear at the first sign of shit.
The state loves the red flag technique: one house at a time. Get a few hundred people together and they shit themselves.
If we stay diluted and disorganized, we're fucked for sure. They don't have to Ruby Ridge us. They'll just wait until the libertarian's natural entropy whittles us away to nothing.
I 100% agree about the red flag technique. That's just pure Gulag Archipelago, all the way. Maybe the solution is something more like many multiple small communities, something like 50-150 people in each.
Blame Pete for my position on minimum 'safe from the state' community size, but almost 80 people died at Waco, so that's not big enough. Theoretically, a small family should be able to fly under the radar, but Ruby Ridge kinda puts that idea to bed.
Realistically, there is no one 'safe' number. It depends on lots of things. Probably ideal from a personal/family level, is to have a loose community in reasonably close proximity to each other, with diversified skills, in a self supporting, voluntary association.
Failing that, go big or go home, I reckon. There are definite potential advantages to turning government rules on them. A state has more control over it's resources and day to day dealings, than the fed does over that same population. Right off the bat, you get a National Guard to provide protection as well as the 'find out' part of the NAP.
Within their own rules, States have a great deal of autonomy. State governments can pretty much rule as they please so imagine if all of the dreams and ideals of libertarians, were backed by the power of a state?
My glance at the magic 8 ball shows that if we don't carve out ourselves a little bit of the USofA, we might as well just turn over our guns now because more sooner than later, some government is going to come for them...then you.
Paging Donald Gebert! https://www.thenullhypothesisofpolitics.com/
Apparently regions in the UK people are massively migrating into or away from based entirely on policies that are authoritarian people are trying desperately to avoid. I can’t believe it’s come to this. People truly believe that they are ruled by outside forces based on geography. It’s nuts that they perpetuate these ridiculous beliefs by compromising their support systems, relationships and livelihoods by relocating to a place where they can tolerate being obedient. At some point though, there aren’t enough rooms in the mansion for everyone to get the privilege of being a house slave. At some point, all these quiet complaints gotta throw the face mask in the dumpster fire with the rest of the harmful and ludicrous ideas.