If you’re still holding onto a belief that politics and elections will somehow save you, I have some bad news for you. While I’m at it let me explain how that belief is translated by those of us with IQ’s above 80. You are hoping the Republicans win elections. There, I said it. You don’t think the Libertarian Party is coming to save you, do you? No, then you are pro-Republican if you are relying on the political. If you’re a Democrat reading this, congratulations, you won. And I mean forever.
The biggest difference between the Left and the Right in this country is that the Left is dead serious when it comes to politics. They understand that when they take power they have to use it to increase their power. The Right? No one knows what they do when they take power other than eventually get defeated by the Left. And soundly. And the Right learns from this only in the worst of ways. They adopt Left policies down the road. Michael Malice’s whole thing about Conservatism being Progressivism driving the speed limit. It’s almost like every idea the Right uses to try to gain support the Progressives were touting 5-10 years ago.
What the Left has done to Georgia, Texas and Arizona, as examples, is so perfect as to almost consider it a planned conspiracy. Texas will be blue in 2024. Georgia is teetering and Arizona has flipped. These are all states that people from New York, Illinois and California flee to when they’re done destroying their home states. They go there and pick up where they left off. Apparently even Chuck Scarborough understands this as referenced by this highly suspect wording, if you recognize the language:
So, that happened. What most don’t understand is that this was bound to happen. For all the arguments people make, especially the immigration ones, it was Ryan McMaken and myself saying that if you want to build walls you better build them between states. Not literally but the only hope was some hardcore Federalism if you still wanted there to be a political solution (a “Police” song plays in the background, “We are spirits…”).
Empires eventually socialize. Just look at post-WW2 Britain. It was inevitable. The only thing left is to figure out how you navigate it. I’ve been talking about solutions for a year now. Hopefully some of those are helpful.
I have been saying for almost a decade, if the president change completely ruins your life immediately, thats your own fault you setup such a shitty dependent life. Trump in my opinion just helps slow down this leftist death train to commie town, so I can use the time to build my business, strap up, and make plans, etc. I want to manufacture firearms, Biden can squash that, Trump or Republican can hold that off 4x as long as it would happen with biden. Owning a business that is becoming successful did change a lot of my opinions about politics, but fundamentally it's just about being informed, as in Ryan Dawson James Corbett Richard Grove redpill informed, in order to calculate the proper maneuvers for preservation of myself and my family.
Chuck Scarborough? Is that reference or a typo.