There’s something odd about his posture. Like the head is just glued on to someone else’s body. Maybe he has a neck problem but I couldn’t help observe the odd position of the head in relation to the rest of the body. The whole picture and what he’s saying is so disconcerting. Maybe that’s the whole point.
Men have larger skulls and limbs on average than women...your pattern recognition machine is picking up on details your conscious mind didn't know the statistic for...
"scientists understand sex as a composite variable." Gotta love when they use science jargon to sound legitimate in order to fool people with little or no scientific background into thinking this is actually what science shows or this is a real thing
Pro trans propagandists never answer one simple logical question... If you can use medical means to alter your body to match your internal ideal, what happens if you change your mind?
Also pretty telling the glossing over of fertility; he mentions it's affected, but doesn't give the details that for most it's essentially ruined.
I literally thought I was looking at a DeepFake or some type of AI generated facial mapping because there was something very odd about the face and the body language.
Anyway, Pete thanks for speaking uncomfortable truths. I just found out my YouTube channel MaximumWeeb just got banned after 247 subscribers and maybe 3-4 dozen videos over the last 3 years. Not a very consistent uploader but I already had a strike so I was definitely on their radar. Gonna start a Rumble channel later today.
Also I just saw your Twitter account got suspended again which is sad because mine just got reinstated after Elon took over after I was banned last August.
I guess getting into the habit of making duplicate accounts on these Normie Big Tech sites and directing them to more uncensored platforms like Substack, Rumble, Odysee, Gab, etc. is just a built in obstacle on the road to getting the truth out and collapsing the Regime’s narrative and legitimacy.
This is getting irritating enough that I’ve started dedicating 2-3 hours of my time daily to learning about Urbit. Now that there’s a demand for a truly uncensorable encrypted decentralized computer, the app ecosystem on there is finally burgeoning. Once we’re able to build something like a decentralized Discord/Slack then it’ll be a massive game changer by making it 1,000x easier to organize groups.
The entire Network State PDF and concept from Balaji Srinivasan will come to life within the next 3-5 years when Urbit succeeds. Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug IIRC founded it circa 2004 and worked on it until about 2019.
If you ever get a chance to talk to Justin Murphy who’s also a great youtuber and podcaster who knows Yarvin, it’d absolutely be worth your while because I think there’s a lot of ideological overlap there. a Justin Murphy interview of Curtis Yarvin from 2 years back. Murphy was a philosophy professor who got pushed out of Academia because he wouldn’t confirm to Woke nonsense and he also has a deep computer science background. He’s a strong proponent of Urbit because of its potential to set us completely free of this online tyranny.
He’s done a few dozen podcast interviews about Urbit with various technical personalities involved and they’re all incredibly fascinating because they understand what they all understand computer science and are trying to do and that’s to build a totally decentralized, uncensorable, encrypted, computer with its own OS and kernel that you can build free open source applications on top of that would allow you and only the people you allow the ability to communicate with each other.
Basically it would allow a normal person to setup and manage a server in 10 minutes as opposed to having it be a full time engineering job.
If you do get a chance to talk to Justin Murphy, you’ll quickly find out how much overlap there is and it’d be fantastic for your audience because imagine this:
A small percentage of your audience maybe a couple 1,000’s are involved in IT, maybe a few 100’s can program well enough to understand Urbit, maybe a few 10’s can build applications on top of it, and maybe 1 can build that killer app that finally allows people to form their own communities easily without any technical know how.
Basically creating a private society online that doesn’t require knowing how to setup global encrypted communications. It’ll only require knowing how to setup something as user friendly as a smartphone in 10 minutes or less.
Every single high IQ mind dedicated to this single computer science problem that Urbit is attempting to solve brings us MUCH closer to being able to EXIT out of this collapsing society while keeping our heads intact.
If we can coordinate online uncensored and encrypted, then we can very easily form our own small private law societies, crowdfund land amongst small groups, prepare for emergencies, distribute course materials for your own homeschools, barter and trade amongst each other, etc.
All these confused people are not born this way like they said in 90’s these people are created by state of the art psychological warfare & then groomed in a hyper sexualized environment & then them told to perform sexual acts on adults. By the time they are Adults the programming is complete and they have now multiplied in number because the only way they can grow is thru getting access to your kids since they hate creating life. The only way you suppress the whole Judeo GAE order is Using state Power & immense social Ostracism & removing even the slittiest elements from your society.
Hair like cotton candy rofl now that I’m reminded of that genocidal wacko HR lady, the Zootopia villain had far more humanity in her facial expressions and personality. This means that CGI passed the Uncanny Valley over a decade ago and we’re seeing it IRL with real people for some disturbing reason. Like they’re infected with some virus or who knows at this point parasites or nanobots for all I know that’ve taken control of peoples Brian’s and nervous systems or maybe it’s an AI doing it via their smartphones. In any case they’re exhibiting all the symptoms of the victims from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
It’s a single mind across many bodies. It’s like a mass consciousness frequency sync and trying to pull people out of it causes them intense pain and discomfort psychologically like a bad mushroom trip. I really don’t think many of them even have the capability to pull themselves out of it even if they genuinely wanted to at this point.
It could literally be a biological compulsion driving Sheeple to stampede off a cliff acting like lemmings because of genetically programmed herd mentality. Yet another reason why Hans-Herrman Hoppe was correct and everyone’s should read Democracy the God that Failed - The Economics and Politics Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order
There’s something odd about his posture. Like the head is just glued on to someone else’s body. Maybe he has a neck problem but I couldn’t help observe the odd position of the head in relation to the rest of the body. The whole picture and what he’s saying is so disconcerting. Maybe that’s the whole point.
Men have larger skulls and limbs on average than women...your pattern recognition machine is picking up on details your conscious mind didn't know the statistic for...
"scientists understand sex as a composite variable." Gotta love when they use science jargon to sound legitimate in order to fool people with little or no scientific background into thinking this is actually what science shows or this is a real thing
Pro trans propagandists never answer one simple logical question... If you can use medical means to alter your body to match your internal ideal, what happens if you change your mind?
Also pretty telling the glossing over of fertility; he mentions it's affected, but doesn't give the details that for most it's essentially ruined.
I literally thought I was looking at a DeepFake or some type of AI generated facial mapping because there was something very odd about the face and the body language.
Anyway, Pete thanks for speaking uncomfortable truths. I just found out my YouTube channel MaximumWeeb just got banned after 247 subscribers and maybe 3-4 dozen videos over the last 3 years. Not a very consistent uploader but I already had a strike so I was definitely on their radar. Gonna start a Rumble channel later today.
Also I just saw your Twitter account got suspended again which is sad because mine just got reinstated after Elon took over after I was banned last August.
I guess getting into the habit of making duplicate accounts on these Normie Big Tech sites and directing them to more uncensored platforms like Substack, Rumble, Odysee, Gab, etc. is just a built in obstacle on the road to getting the truth out and collapsing the Regime’s narrative and legitimacy.
This is getting irritating enough that I’ve started dedicating 2-3 hours of my time daily to learning about Urbit. Now that there’s a demand for a truly uncensorable encrypted decentralized computer, the app ecosystem on there is finally burgeoning. Once we’re able to build something like a decentralized Discord/Slack then it’ll be a massive game changer by making it 1,000x easier to organize groups.
The entire Network State PDF and concept from Balaji Srinivasan will come to life within the next 3-5 years when Urbit succeeds. Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug IIRC founded it circa 2004 and worked on it until about 2019.
If you ever get a chance to talk to Justin Murphy who’s also a great youtuber and podcaster who knows Yarvin, it’d absolutely be worth your while because I think there’s a lot of ideological overlap there. a Justin Murphy interview of Curtis Yarvin from 2 years back. Murphy was a philosophy professor who got pushed out of Academia because he wouldn’t confirm to Woke nonsense and he also has a deep computer science background. He’s a strong proponent of Urbit because of its potential to set us completely free of this online tyranny.
He’s done a few dozen podcast interviews about Urbit with various technical personalities involved and they’re all incredibly fascinating because they understand what they all understand computer science and are trying to do and that’s to build a totally decentralized, uncensorable, encrypted, computer with its own OS and kernel that you can build free open source applications on top of that would allow you and only the people you allow the ability to communicate with each other.
Basically it would allow a normal person to setup and manage a server in 10 minutes as opposed to having it be a full time engineering job.
If you do get a chance to talk to Justin Murphy, you’ll quickly find out how much overlap there is and it’d be fantastic for your audience because imagine this:
A small percentage of your audience maybe a couple 1,000’s are involved in IT, maybe a few 100’s can program well enough to understand Urbit, maybe a few 10’s can build applications on top of it, and maybe 1 can build that killer app that finally allows people to form their own communities easily without any technical know how.
Basically creating a private society online that doesn’t require knowing how to setup global encrypted communications. It’ll only require knowing how to setup something as user friendly as a smartphone in 10 minutes or less.
Every single high IQ mind dedicated to this single computer science problem that Urbit is attempting to solve brings us MUCH closer to being able to EXIT out of this collapsing society while keeping our heads intact.
If we can coordinate online uncensored and encrypted, then we can very easily form our own small private law societies, crowdfund land amongst small groups, prepare for emergencies, distribute course materials for your own homeschools, barter and trade amongst each other, etc.
"... we just PROVED that it's more complicated and CHANGEABLE than we previously thought."
All these confused people are not born this way like they said in 90’s these people are created by state of the art psychological warfare & then groomed in a hyper sexualized environment & then them told to perform sexual acts on adults. By the time they are Adults the programming is complete and they have now multiplied in number because the only way they can grow is thru getting access to your kids since they hate creating life. The only way you suppress the whole Judeo GAE order is Using state Power & immense social Ostracism & removing even the slittiest elements from your society.
Looks like a tribe member of the Nose people. Good lord that honker is almost touching the screen.
Hair like cotton candy rofl now that I’m reminded of that genocidal wacko HR lady, the Zootopia villain had far more humanity in her facial expressions and personality. This means that CGI passed the Uncanny Valley over a decade ago and we’re seeing it IRL with real people for some disturbing reason. Like they’re infected with some virus or who knows at this point parasites or nanobots for all I know that’ve taken control of peoples Brian’s and nervous systems or maybe it’s an AI doing it via their smartphones. In any case they’re exhibiting all the symptoms of the victims from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
It’s a single mind across many bodies. It’s like a mass consciousness frequency sync and trying to pull people out of it causes them intense pain and discomfort psychologically like a bad mushroom trip. I really don’t think many of them even have the capability to pull themselves out of it even if they genuinely wanted to at this point.
It could literally be a biological compulsion driving Sheeple to stampede off a cliff acting like lemmings because of genetically programmed herd mentality. Yet another reason why Hans-Herrman Hoppe was correct and everyone’s should read Democracy the God that Failed - The Economics and Politics Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order