Democracy is this cool thing where lefty “organizers” register crack babies like these two, to cancel out the thoughtful vote and will of the American working man. I watched a different video last week... in that video, the clerk complied, knelt down as instructed, and was executed with a bullet to the back of the head. Equalizer go pew pew and these ghetto skunks can’t handle it.

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Just shoot, just shoot

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Gonna start referring to Atlanta as new Johannesburg

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Is it just me, or does it seem like private citizens who shoot criminals have better marksmanship than cops?

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“It’s just crazy, this ain’t right...” shrieks the fool whose armed thug of a brother initiated the violent incident that led to his own death. Introspection may not be completely dead but this shows it’s on some pretty intense life support

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The crazy guys for lack of a better description want to speak loudly and discharge their big stick in your face. And most people today imagine that somehow in all this sitting down and shutting up or cheering for them, appeasing them will somehow deliver them from an unpleasant outcome. People think that understanding how people became the way that they are, qualified to be put in a sanitarium will somehow appease them. They are attempting to do hostage negotiation tactics with insane people. You can’t elevate these people to policy making, to public office, to the wardens of the Gulag and not expect that truly good people and weak people will be sacrificed. If someone doesn’t arrest (in some manner or fashion) crazy people, terrorists… I dunno. A war on terror abroad whilst we elevate terrorists to leadership at home. This is definitely a problem that needs an abrupt correction.

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This brings to mind the meme where girls with a time machine visit their grandmom and a man with a time machine tells George Washington to pick his own cotton.

We're at the bottom of a slippery slope on a bunch of fronts, what needs to be done is going to sound awful to most people.

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Unleash the cops.

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What’s truly insidious is how the “news” is actually taking these dumbass siblings seriously but of course that’s to be expected because the news is a PsyOp propoganda machine. It’s the reason that independent online video streamers on their laptops and phones can do a better job and are replacing them.

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"they should have called the po lice".

Why? So the police could shoot her brother and the taxpayers could pick up the tab for the settlement?

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