
If you watched the video, you can probably anticipate my comments. But here they are anyway. 

If someone pulls a gun, and you have the opportunity, kill them. This is not controversial. I could comment that the “Summer of George” 2020 and the presence of the “Soros DA’s” led many to believe that someone who pulls a gun during the commission of a crime shouldn’t be shot. But that’s just retarded. The siblings in the video want their own laws. Don’t give into them. Don’t ever relent. Anyone who reasons as such is an enemy to nature and decency.

They claim the store clerk shouldn’t have had a gun at work? Obviously, he needed that weapon. Imagine publicly moralizing after your criminal brother was taken out by someone defending their own life from your brother who was brandishing a weapon. I don’t have to point out that if the clerk could legally own and carry a gun, that their having it at work is between them and the company.

The second of 10 siblings killed by gunfire? For at least one of them, that’s a funny way to say he was killed because he was trash. 

Just call the police as you can’t take matters into your own hands? So these two, who I would be willing to bet supported the defund the police movement, would understand if the police shot their armed brother? That would be the police actually doing their job.

We can’t continue to live like this. We can’t allow trash to dictate our morality. I don’t care if that loudmouth wench has spent her whole life hearing politicians tell her that she’s a victim of White people or whatever, if this isn’t nipped in the bud now, things will only get worse. And it will spread. Thank you store clerk for cleaning up society just a bit.