Any sane, normal person could only react to this culture with disgust. I can’t remember who it is you’ve quoted before, Pete, (and I’m paraphrasing) about believing the things that any normal man would’ve believed before 1789. The Enlightenment and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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I am pretty sure that was Evola for the qoute.

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By that definition, those of us looking for a post-liberal world are pretty fucking radical. Our ideas are politically and socially different from the dominant ideologies.

They can call us reactionaries if they want, but their reactions if we ever get our way should be pretty fucking entertaining.

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Je Suis Reactionary

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It’s not so important what your enemies call you, only that they call you something so you can know them as your enemies.

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I always thought of a reactionary as the opposite of a "proactionary." Someone who has political convictions but never goes on offense. Conservatives by strict definition usually fit that bill.

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I've seen it used that way many times

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Similar to what Marcus said below, normal people react with disgust and contempt at what is going on now. My only objection to being called 'Reactionary' is that I am really just a normal man, who views men, women and children the way normal people do: Men provide and protect, women care for the families and do so at home, and children are the focus of the roles of men and women (mom and dad). Because my beliefs are normal, of course I will react to their deviant filthy changes to normal behavior. I even find using the term 'Normie' a bit high minded, because I am just normal. I don't have some sort of cache' of secret knowledge and will not refer to normal people as 'Normies' because I am just normal. The difference between them and me is I am tired of giving ground. When the Spanish Nationalists had worn down the Republicans and were on the verge of taking back their country, the Republicans pleaded for mercy and wanted no retribution taken out on them after the surrender. Franco would listen to none of it, refused all of their demands and instead built a few camps to deal with the numerous Socialists, Communists and Anarchists who were on track to ruining their nation. When we take power back, they need to use a page out of Franco's book.

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I wrote about this in a post late last year. You can't be neutral in a culture war. Trying to be neutral means you are going along with the tyranny to get along- with TYRANTS. https://open.substack.com/pub/thesovereignmom/p/the-crux-of-my-disappointment-with?r=berfq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That pic of Putin with the Hitler stash goes hard!

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My only real objection to the term is that none of this stuff is new at all. It's all been part of the progressive regime for over a century. It's just that they're out in the open about it now, because enough of the population has been indoctrinated that the progs feel safe sharing in public what they've been saying and doing in private since their foundation.

In that sense, I prefer "regressive" if I'm gonna own a bugman pejorative. But whatever, they can say "reactionary" if that's the assigned word of the day.

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I doubt he would describe himself as a reactionary, but this essay by libertarian philosopher Jan Lester describing Wokeism as “inverted fascism” is entertaining. https://philarchive.org/rec/LESWII

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