I know that I’ve referenced the term "reactionary" in posts before, but I’ve mainly used my own definition/interpretation of it as a middle finger to the brain dead who toss the term around. However, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of "reactionary" is:
a person who is opposed to political or social change or new ideas
If the above definition is the one intended when someone calls me a “reactionary,” I embrace the term wholeheartedly.
If I am a "reactionary" because of my opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour, the medical transitioning of minors, the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia, and a fellow American facing a decade or more in federal prison for posting a meme (that a few low-IQ subhumans took seriously), I’ll wear that term proudly. By labeling me a reactionary, the person using that term is letting me know that they are criticizing me for opposing the "change or new ideas" (some of which I just listed) of which they approve. And if I’m honest with myself, I have to thank them for letting me know of their approval of these things. It makes it that much easier to know who is on my side and who isn’t.
It has not escaped my notice that I’ve never been called a reactionary by someone who is an advocate of the above horrors, only by those who attempt to take the high road by presenting themselves as neutral in the "culture war." I find these people especially heinous, as they believe that neutrality is the moral position when it comes to the mutilation of children and the tyranny of the Nuremberg Regime.
As far as I’m concerned, if you look at the examples listed above—along with numerous others I have detailed elsewhere—and you aren’t thinking to yourself, "Well, I guess that makes me a reactionary," you’re either firmly in the enemy camp or disconnected from reality. Either way, you are defending that which is indefensible, and labeling me a "reactionary" exposes you as an advocate of the evils and malignant spirit of this Age. People like myself are firm in our stance that what you support—even if only by your silence—must be ended for order and a functioning society to exist. We will wholeheartedly embrace our “reactionary” title and we will not bend or break in our resolve!
Any sane, normal person could only react to this culture with disgust. I can’t remember who it is you’ve quoted before, Pete, (and I’m paraphrasing) about believing the things that any normal man would’ve believed before 1789. The Enlightenment and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
By that definition, those of us looking for a post-liberal world are pretty fucking radical. Our ideas are politically and socially different from the dominant ideologies.
They can call us reactionaries if they want, but their reactions if we ever get our way should be pretty fucking entertaining.