agree heartily expecially with mind changing. Isn't that part of education evolution of thyself?
I satrted as a radical socialist.....then pandemic made me review objectively things I never had to face earlier on (minus medical mafia). I move to Libertarian. I problably was always libertarian like most people, without knowing it. Then shifted to Right this point I do not even know how to define myself. There is no label. Political plasticity? Same was in regard of my spiritual, lets call it this way....journey. I went from being hard core atheist ("trust the science", "science is the only answer" for about 40 years) to new age, christian,....anti-trust-the-science, now with christian values, I always had....but extremely anti religious.
Now I wonder if part of this journey we partake is going back to the original thinking. A revolution of the individual thinking indeed, perhaps at the end will bring us back to square one?
Saw his/her and immediately thought is Pete using pronouns now then I realized I should detox from media for a weekend lol.
It’s seems with all these questions raised people live in theory world and never in reality.
Pronoun comment made me GLOL
agree heartily expecially with mind changing. Isn't that part of education evolution of thyself?
I satrted as a radical socialist.....then pandemic made me review objectively things I never had to face earlier on (minus medical mafia). I move to Libertarian. I problably was always libertarian like most people, without knowing it. Then shifted to Right this point I do not even know how to define myself. There is no label. Political plasticity? Same was in regard of my spiritual, lets call it this way....journey. I went from being hard core atheist ("trust the science", "science is the only answer" for about 40 years) to new age, christian,....anti-trust-the-science, now with christian values, I always had....but extremely anti religious.
Now I wonder if part of this journey we partake is going back to the original thinking. A revolution of the individual thinking indeed, perhaps at the end will bring us back to square one?
Is there any word on getting Dave more on board with Andrew's local strategy?
No sir