Contrary to popular belief, I do not believe I’m the smartest “content creator” out there. I’m one of the only ones who constantly challenges his/her approach and will adjust if I believe I’m off the path. Why won’t others do the same? I can only speculate but fear of loss seems like a big one. I have lost listeners and contributors due to deviations. Other lapses in judgment have cost me as well but due to recent changes in my personal situation I feel I am back on the path of concentrating on what’s most important: defeating the regime… defeating the Left. They’re the same thing. But, on to the “objections”.
“Any law passed that you agree with can be used against you later”
Really? Noooooo? Do you really think you’re teaching me something here? Do you think I haven’t used this exact argument before? The most obvious may be the War on Terror being turned inward toward “domestic terrorist tourists”. Yes, I have pointed this out before. This recently came up in the whole Florida banning CRT or any such Leftist nonsense being taught in public schools. Apparently, I needed to be reminded of this.
“You just want to get power to punish your enemies”
This is normally hurled at me from someone who believes power shouldn’t exist. So, you immediately know you’re dealing with an Einstein. People fear other people and decide to give power to someone stronger, or more well organized, so they can keep them safe. Is this power often abused? Yes. Will this power always exist? To say no is to not understand humans and history. Given the chance, would I punish people responsible for the horrors of the last 24 months? What do you think?
“You change your mind on everything all the time”
First of all, that’s a straw man. No one can change their mind on everything but when I find new information that makes sense to me, especially from a practical perspective, I will ADJUST belief and strategy. I read a lot. Unfortunately, for a lot of years I only read books that confirmed my bias. COVID tyranny, and my reaction to it, caused me to broaden my horizons and go beyond the 4-5 authors I restricted myself to. I’ve learned a lot about the political process (power, force, historical governance) and it has caused me to rethink my views on political power, but I realize that there are many out there who believe using power is immoral. It’s hard to rebut arguments from morality since in most cases the argument is incoherent or subjective.
Well, those 3 are pretty big ones. I’m sure there are more that I can go over at a later date but for now podcast chores call. Take care and keep fighting!
Saw his/her and immediately thought is Pete using pronouns now then I realized I should detox from media for a weekend lol.
It’s seems with all these questions raised people live in theory world and never in reality.
agree heartily expecially with mind changing. Isn't that part of education evolution of thyself?
I satrted as a radical socialist.....then pandemic made me review objectively things I never had to face earlier on (minus medical mafia). I move to Libertarian. I problably was always libertarian like most people, without knowing it. Then shifted to Right this point I do not even know how to define myself. There is no label. Political plasticity? Same was in regard of my spiritual, lets call it this way....journey. I went from being hard core atheist ("trust the science", "science is the only answer" for about 40 years) to new age, christian,....anti-trust-the-science, now with christian values, I always had....but extremely anti religious.
Now I wonder if part of this journey we partake is going back to the original thinking. A revolution of the individual thinking indeed, perhaps at the end will bring us back to square one?