Very good read. Everyone has been freaking out online over Kanye/Fuentes meeting with Trump that are concerned with Optics with Trump/DeSantis and donors. Everyone is saying "sensible center" and It's like they are speaking a foreign language knowing all the levers of power outlined in this article. For instance, a bureaucrat planted a fake dossier that wasn't even American (UK) that sparked 3 years of the clam licker Rachel Maddow and others going ape shit and physically measuring the distance on the north korean border with Russia when Trump visited the DMZ. That was just the Press and intelligence as I left out the leaks that were fabricated by other "anonymous officials" of other agencies. My small town locked down for a week, chains remained closed while one bar reopened and became the go to place for fiery political/covid discussions. This was despite the Fentanyl Floyd praising Abbott ordering the bars to be shut down. The local sheriff, which grew up in the town, was on our side and I have to agree... the local sheriff is the most important position in all politics.

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Great post

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DeSantis as president would be either blocked at every turn, or eventually killed in office. He’s a lot more knowledgeable and effective than Trump, thus more dangerous to the deep state. He should stay in Florida politics after his term is up and become a power behind the power to elect like-minded people to keep Florida free, or as free as possible. People who expect to be saved by a DeSantis or a Trump are politically lazy and delusional. No one is coming to save us. The most we can expect is small pockets of relative freedom and the rest is up to us.

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Hi Pete hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Sorry I’m advance for the wall of text but this lack of LOCAL leadership within our own lives that you’ve spoken about extensively is EXACTLY why I recommend everyone read Sun & Steel by Yukio Mishima. It’s the map of how to not only get there but to destroy our enemy’s propaganda machine by merely existing by our sheer physical presence.

Greatest essay of all time imho about weightlifting, being in the sun, and truly being alive. Reading it felt like I was integrating my shadow or some otherworldly experience described by Jung or Nietzsche like I was becoming the Übermensch.

Mishima was a 3x Nobel Literature Nominee who understood this problem deeply and knew that making physical bodily development was the key to it all as the Greeks and many others before him knew it per his references in Sun & Steel to Homer.

Making the development of your physical body the primary goal on a subconscious level so profoundly transforms every single area of your life, body, and psyche that you become the man that’s crossed the river as Mishima explains it.

The VAST majority of people spend their entire lives involuntarily staring at beautifully built physiques because they’re biologically hardwired to but also because their Soul demands it and they know deep down that there’s something transformative about looking like that. Like looking at small gods across a river. However it’s a rare few that actually put in the work and through a combination of genetics, diet, exercise, sleep, etc. they transform themselves into martial arts masters like Mishima became and end up looking like Greek statues themselves. At that point you become one of the rare few that’s actually crossed the river and is looking behind back on the other side where everyone else is staring at you rapt with attention.

Lifting weights is directly correlated with Right Wing thoughts in general not only due to the superior hormonal benefits of becoming healthy which drastically affects your internal mental state. It’s also due to the sheet act of fighting decay of pushing against gravity and your own body that reminds you constantly of how Reality ACTUALLY works.

The focus, attention, discipline, etc. needed to achieve this state is so chiseled that biologically speaking all the people around you automatically reflexively involuntarily subconsciously with zero high order cognition simply FOLLOW YOU.

You subconsciously become the leader of everyone in your presence. They know that you’re the leader, you’re competent, you will save them from and kill the Sabre tooth tiger, hunt the wooly mammoth in the Ice Age, etc. because 90-95% possibly more of all people are followers and that is neurologically hardwired into them.

That CANNOT be changed. Look at the last 3 years for proof.

All of the 100+ years of psychological research on propaganda from Edward Bernays onwards proves this too hence why until the current socially engineered insanity, beautifully defined physiques were used for advertising because were biologically hardwired to salivate at the image of the human animal in its truest wild form the warrior king.

This is also likely why virtually every major civilization down to virtually every small tribe on Earth for 10,000+ years was led by either a warrior king of some kind or military leaders.

The society that separates its scholars from its warriors, will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.


Yukio Mishima understood this at a quantum level and he embodied it in every facet of his life. I yearn to achieve even 10% of that control over my own mind to produce even 1% of the results he did.

My daily mantra I taped onto the wall on a 3 x 5 index card is I REBUILD MY BODY, MIND, & SOUL LIKE YUKIO MISHIMA IN SUN & STEEL BECAUSE HEALTH IS WEALTH.

I repeat it out loud at least a dozen times a day as a subconscious NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming technique I learned from Jake Ducey’s YouTube channel.

You either brainwash yourself or let GloboHomo brainwash you. Better to brainwash yourself instead.

The PDF link I highly recommend everyone download it, share it, backup offline, etc. as the physical copy is becoming difficult to find but worth its weight in gold.

The YouTube link is of Yukio Mishima speaking in English. Read the comments. Listen to his use of language. He speaks with a Japanese accent but his English is like a Victorian gentleman. He can layer and tease apart Esoteric topics with nuance and a degree of fluency you almost never see in Modernity.

I thought I was a fluent English speaker but Mishima makes me look like I just tripped and fell off the short bus.

Listen and learn in 10 minutes why he was so magnetic and intense. Sun & Steel PDF is only 69 pages.

It’s always been inside of us hiding waiting to come out. It’s time we understood EXACTLY what that thing really is. Our lives and our entire civilization depend on it long term.

In the near term future this can be used to build VERY POWERFUL very tightly knit local movements that can with incredible ease completely take over all local government positions and very realistically do the same at the county level.

At that point the state government will have to bend at the state legislature level at which point Secession will De Facto real in those towns and counties. Starting in places like the Republic Texas it becomes a very real De Jure possibility for the whole state via 10th Amendment, Secession via a clause in the treaty signed to enter the Union, etc. seeing as how TEXIT looks like it’ll be on the ballot in 2023.

The Regime hates all this, wants you to be fat, hiding inside your house, too weak and scared to put up any resistance to GloboHomo. Don’t just tell them to go eat a bag of dicks.

Instead BECOME they walking bag of dicks whose very existence is a blasphemy to the Anti-Life Anti-Creation commandments of their evil Demonic cannibal pedophile Adrenochrome death cult religion. They promote obese and other monstrosities all the way to the White House Cabinet for a reason.

TL; DR: Watch Yukio Mishima, read Sun & Steel, lift weights, be in the sun, eat meat, join a farm co-op, train to look like a Greek god, make plans to GTFO cities, and become the thing that everyone states at involuntarily. Become the Übermensch. They’ll listen to everything you have to say without question. You and your friends can and will wrestle back your own freedom in your own lives and for everyone in your community in a real way.

Become the Mishima in your own life.



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Rushdoony once wrote (paraphrasing) that when most think of government, they think "the state". He said it was a mistake to give "the state" monopoly of definition for "government". Instead, there was self governance, family governance, the Church governance, and then the state. His son in law Gary North advocated for localized strategy often calling presidential politics a dog and pony show. He regularly lamented conservative's focus on national politics. Every conservative I know thinks, "if we just get the right President". Right. That'll fix it! Meanwhile why don't we take a look at the local boards, the sheriff, and our local state delegation. Heck, look at your PRIVATE institutions and who's running those!

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