I've been calling for Sulla for years. That is a joke, he didnt go far enough.

There is no reasoning with them, no educating them, no co-existence with them.

Auron is the best at explaining things and his checklist tells me that our people can't win on that battlefield.

Gottfried was right about what he said on your show and even more right to leave how they win unsaid.

I wonder how many people who comment in our spaces will be able to stomach what actually needs to be done.

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> I wonder how many people who comment in our spaces will be able to stomach what actually needs to be done.

Well, seems nobody is undertaking it yet, so... not enough. But a lot of the work will be done by nature if we just sit on our hands long enough.

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What Brandon Walsh said, i.e., what Pete said, i.e., what Auron said. Fix bayonets, give 'em a whiff of the "grape," no prisoners taken!

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This is the equivalent of some woman in a slasher flick who strikes the guy who is chasing her with a hammer, he falls flat on his back, then she drops the weapon to weep a sigh of relief while her back is turned to him, only to see him rise up in the background to attack her again. We have never destroyed the left on any front at any time ever. In order to have a healthy society again, our societal immune system must be functioning properly enough where people will applaud a group of men rushing into a business selling vile products, drag out every single person working in it.....mete out justice.....and either burn the place to the ground or replace it with something else. No more partial measures.

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Auron does have such skill at boiling things down to the most salient points...

I'd also posit that any 'mainstream' right outlets that run around championing this as a true win are also part of the problem. These marketing/advertising hacks are just cogs in the machine; no one of real import got canned. Marketing campaigns are presented to and signed off on by higher ups, so the fact that no one who had any oversight was fired tells me these two are just scape goats. The fact Bud is still sponsoring parades and other filth drives this home.

So, the people celebrating like we saved the world are either useful idiots or captured and just happy to be allowed in the Overton Window.

You and Auron are correct - this should just be an opening volley, we can't get distracted by a minor achievement. This only ends when all conditions are met. Until then, keep grinding.

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Most mainstream conservative media is a hinderance. All the people celebrating this are the same ones trying to cancel Pedro Gonzales for saying "racist and antisemitic" things in his private chats. They at best don't get it, really though I think that is being overly charitable for most of them who are grifters and subversives trying to bleed the energy fueling the flow of culture back into their decrepit institutions that are long past their time.

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The immediate power we have is what many on the right did, spend money elsewhere. Do as little business with these institutions as is possible and to me the next step is replacing the institution by an explicitly right wing one.

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I've only been tuned in for the last year. I found this podcast through Vox Day. You should do an interview with Dr. E Michael Jones!

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