I make every attempt to release something new here on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but we’re right at the point of making the move into the new house, so I’m insanely busy. So please forgive me if I’m sporadic in my releases for the next few weeks.
It appears that a couple of heads have rolled at Anheuser-Busch in response to their promotion, which included putting trans activist Dylan Mulvaney on a limited number of cans of their product, Bud Light. It is being reported that Vice President for Marketing, Daniel Blake, and Bud Light Marketing Vice President, Alissa Heinerscheid, have left their positions. The only shock here is that it took Anheuser-Busch this long to push them out or force them into "a leave of absence" (which appears to be the phrase being used for legal purposes since this information came from leaked texts). I’m sure that many who promoted and participated in the boycott of Bud Light are celebrating this report as a victory, but that only reveals how accustomed most "activists" on the "Right" are to losing.
When Collin Rugg at Trending Politics Tweeted the announcement about the shakeup at Anheuser-Busch, a frequent guest on my podcast, Auron MacIntyre, used the announcement as an opportunity to school people on what a true victory would look like in the culture wars:
One of the reasons Auron is so good at what he does is that he can deliver a message in few words, and that is a rare skill. He rightfully points out that while the enemy has been punished, calling this a victory is premature. The next obvious question should be, "Who will replace them?" If it’s not someone who shares your values and will stand next to you in a fight, the war rages on and your enemy is still in control.
Will this announcement be a vehicle for LGBTQLMNOP activists to ask for money from their network of supporters? If this is such a win for the "good guys," why isn’t the donor money flowing in to fund lobbying efforts in regard to public and private activism? Until the "Right" can turn "wins" into war chests of cash, they will continue to lose the fight.
Back in 2017, when reports were coming out about the number of females graduating college with gender studies degrees, I wrote that the most logical employment destination for many of them would be in the Human Resource (HR) departments in corporations. Unfortunately, I was correct. It shouldn’t have to be said that if the HR department of your company is controlled by a "woke" monster and your values are the opposite, you’re skating on thin ice when it comes to job security or getting a job. A friend was recently told that the position he was perfect for, for which he was in the very final stages of the hiring process, would be denied to him because of his social media accounts. This person is not a bomb-thrower on social media like I am. And of course, there was no conversation to be had, no explanation, just exclusion.
A war cannot be won until your enemy is completely disarmed. What Auron laid out in his tweet—the necessity of those boxes being checked—is what victory looks like. But there’s something that some of you may have missed in Auron’s tweet; it’s something that if you want to defeat this particular enemy, some of you may have to accept: that they must be excluded from any position of power and influence going forward. I’m convinced that the aversion some people have to the term "culture war" is the war part. This is indeed a war, and the other side wants you vanquished. Until you accept that the only way to defeat an enemy that wants you vanquished is to play by their rules and be willing to do what it takes to overcome the force they’re exerting with a proper response, you’re just accepting that the future of our culture will continue to look like one big, gay disco.
I've been calling for Sulla for years. That is a joke, he didnt go far enough.
There is no reasoning with them, no educating them, no co-existence with them.
Auron is the best at explaining things and his checklist tells me that our people can't win on that battlefield.
Gottfried was right about what he said on your show and even more right to leave how they win unsaid.
I wonder how many people who comment in our spaces will be able to stomach what actually needs to be done.
What Brandon Walsh said, i.e., what Pete said, i.e., what Auron said. Fix bayonets, give 'em a whiff of the "grape," no prisoners taken!