Two unsubscribed today. I hope it was because they disagree and not because of finances. Take care of you and yours first... always!!

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We’re they people that engaged or commented consistently or were they quiet lurkers?

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Lurkers from what I can tell.

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“Every single one of us believes something that isn’t true.”

Yes, but we must be open to third, fourth, etc. thoughts. Sometimes our eyes are, indeed, pried open--but that doesn’t mean we aren’t vulnerable to “propaganda” from our own side because we will still be prone to error and bias. This is all trivially true, of course, but it’s also true that when some folks have their eyes opened, they move forward with the idea that they now permanently possess (metaphorically speaking) the sunglasses that Roddy Piper found in “They Live”.

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Or fedboiz snooping around trying to find the next bunch of, "election deniers". Myself I don't deny that voting for the less $hittier of 2 narcissistic sociopaths is about as big a waste as tits on a nun. IMHO

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Bro, I’ll say -500 odds that they were leftist radicals gathering intel.

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Pence didn't really come off any better even in context so I really don't care how badly people distort his message to make him look bad. Out of context it sounds like he doesn't give a shit about American cities, In context he is giving the same old bush era platitudes about how we can both Do infinite things abroad and fix things domestically which is flagrantly and historically untrue. He effectively was still saying Screw American cities by offering a choice that in reality does exactly that even if framed otherwise. The idea of anyone even attempting to put foreign interests on equal grounds with domestic interests (Though lets be real they are putting foreign interests ahead of domestic) at this point is offensive and detestable culture distortion.

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Agreed. Even in context it's just more polished double speak of a cog in the imperial machine.

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I agree that Pence was mirroring Tucker's attack about "not my concern" and that it wasn't his intent to say that cities weren't his concern, but fuck that guy anyways.

The whole conference was depressing. The Chuds have to support a party that isn't interested in understanding them bc it's the party that has less disdain for them. So sad.

Just imagine how you would feel having to admit that you've voted for Asa Hutchinson. Jesus Christ it's all so demoralizing.

What I don't get is why these guys are republicans. If i was a power hungry sociopath with no belief system, i'd just be a democrat to avoid the shitty press.

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I’m firmly on the Right which means I’m a default republican voter for better or worse, but the conundrum here is that the Republican Party hates us. My level of antipathy towards the GOP is off the charts because whilst feigning to support the base, they in fact undermine their base: Ukraine, the 80,000+ new IRS agents, deficit spending, no public stance against against systemic anti-White racism, etc.

The DNC and the broader leftist coalition is at least up front about despising me and my existence. They aren’t hiding the ball at all whereas the GOP is poisoning said ball before handing it over to me to play with.

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They tell you propaganda is a terrible, terrible thing to do so that you'll stick to the plain truth and let them have the monopoly on persuasion. Everybody likes their opponents to bring a knife to a gun fight. But you've a right to fight fire with fire and lies with lies. Just have to choose how and when best to exercise it.

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When they say “By Any Means Necessary”, lying is a feature, not a bug.

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As for this piece by Pete. Propaganda and Sales are essentially the same thing.

A sale of a product or service is always being attempted and/or made. Ditto for ideas, thoughts and beliefs.

Our enemies control the “sales market” for propaganda (academia, entertainment, etc) so the key is to infiltrate and ultimately co-opt these centers of propaganda (sales) distribution.

The Right is compelled to embark on its own “long march thru the institutions” and we’ll have to adhere to core principles such as the “friend enemy distinction” along the way.

It’s a long & arduous journey.

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I love Pete's final two sentences. It's the friend/enemy distinction, baby!

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Darryl Cooper just had an email piece talking about some of the misconceptions or incorrect beliefs he had about the Haymarket Affair and as he began to really dig into actual records he was faced with what the actual facts of it were that had been obscured by public outlets at the time and the dominant narrative just made it's way into the historical storyline. It's so easy for all of us to do this because it's so easy to obscure certain details of events that are actually pivotal to understanding the event in it's whole.

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