I knew it right after Oct 7th when a few "dissident right" anons I followed with banger tweets went ape shit begging us to support Israel. AA brought this up around the same time and told his audience don't support them because they don't support us or America First. It's replicated now with Trumps pick for the UN virtue signaler to further isolate and embarrass the US vs hiring a real diplomat. You can't trust these people.


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Happy birthday Pete!

I'm wondering if we need a new label to use for the "Power J*ws" vs j*ws outside the power centers, who seem to be struggling as much as anyone else.

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The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald was a good read. Very enlightening on how most Jews operate, regardless of their ideology. It was not anti-Semitic as people claim.

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Thanks Pete. Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday!

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I am so sick of people saying it’s antisemitism to say “it’s the Jews.” In WWII, we could say The Germans, the Japanese, The Russians and everyone knew we were talking about the govt and those who supported that nation. They didn’t have to speak in some weird code to say, “the nation or govt of Germany did blah blah, we don’t mean Germans living in England, the US or elsewhere.” Can you fucking imagine trying to describe your enemy and having to give it a ten word title with an exclusionary clause? This is so fucking stupid. No one in the US during World War Two were saying is was hatred or racism to call the people of Germany who were acting in opposition to US interests “Germans” and not making sure you excluded the people in Germany that disavowed their govt, or living and citizens of govts outside of Germany. Now, I hear everything is some kind of collectivist group claiming racism, or that they are threatened because their grandparents immigrated from India and now they are sure everyone in the US that voted for Trump wants them dead. These people are insane. It’s all this stupid hijackingnof the English language that drives me batty.

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I just realized half of what I rambled there was somewhat incoherent. It’s just the nutso nonsense I keep seeing. Any excuse to label everyone you don’t like as monsters. Wrong semantics? monsters. Care about an invasion of third world criminal element? Monsters, of course. Call people what they call themselves? Monsters, again. Anything we don’t like? Monsters.

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Happy birthday!!!

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Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday, Pete!

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Happy birthday, Pete. Thanks for all the great content.

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Happy Birthday! I forgot to ask and send another superchat yesterday: what exactly are wasps? Assuming American stock going back centuries based on little stated.

Of which I am not sadly.

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Descendent of Washington here. Karen Keener for Monarch!

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Happy birthday to you!!!

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Stew Peters is doing some great work lately naming the Jews in his broadcasts. Just the other day some moron was going back and forth with me on this platform saying that I was wrong, that it was The United States controlling Israel and The Jews, not the other way around.

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