People want the truth. Many are searching for it. They think they see the truth in populists like Trump or even Bernie.

However, libertarians have the truth. And that’s the way we need to be speaking.

The LP cowers. Libertarians speak truth.

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The fact remains that lockdowns and masks do not work and the vast majority of the under 60 population is at just about zero risk from the virus. There are no studies, reports or on-the-ground protocols that suggest they do. It is insane to close down schools, theaters, stadiums and restaurants. But older people who are immune-impaired remain at great risk from the clogged lung death syndrome which appears to be easily prevented and treated (and for which masks provide only the illusion of safety). However, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the government etc... viciously suppress and sanction any and all attempts to communicate information about these treatments to the public. I would think that this scandal would at least catch the eye of the

“thoughtful mainstream libertarians”. Yuck.

Just last week, three mainstream ICU doctors attempted to get the U.S. Senate to review their data about their success with quercetin, vitamins D3 and C, zinc and especially the drug ivermectin, the once-a-month heartworm preventative for dogs. They are claiming it is the miracle cure for Covid-19 but without it, people are dying like flies. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t the miracle cure, but shouldn’t we find out? I haven’t heard a word about this anywhere but in some hard-to-find locations on the internet.

The vile Senator from Michigan, Gary Peters, attacked the doctors in advance of their testimony even though their protocol calls for masks and social distancing (perhaps just to cover their asses). At this late date, the official “standard of care” for patients with the Covid “acute respiratory distress syndrome” ARDS includes basically no treatment at all and no attempts at immune boosting (which is also the case for people with mild cases). Watch Peters attack the doctors at the 1:48 point in this video. Looks like a scandal to me. Killing old people just to advance more lockdowns and mandatory vaccines?


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Here's the main problem, these businesses are not under a voluntary system for covid hysteria, otherwise I would specifically support those businesses, at least here in Ohio they are under penalty of hefty fines from state goons if they dont comply, there might be 2 states that have all voluntary action, I only know of Florida and South Dakota that are wide open live at your own risk, at least South Dakota is I think Florida is too though. Either way. Nobody should be trusting anything that the state or state sponsored actors are pushing right now, the hypocrisy should be blatantly obvious at this point that none of this is about safety, there are no thorough scientific studies about anything related to covid or covid safety measures, its all random fucking nonsense to see how far the public can be pushed before it snaps.

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cuckbertarians swimming naked as the tide ebbs

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Maybe they are lying. Maybe they have the miracle cure. Shouldn't we find out?

In October 2020 the FLCCC Alliance has developed a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. This protocol is centered around the use of Ivermectin, a well-known anti-parasite drug with recently discovered anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and a rapidly growing published medical evidence base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication.

While our extremely life-saving MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for Covid-19 (available in six languages), published in March 2020, is intended for hospitalized patients, our recently developed I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (this page) is instead directed for use as a prophylaxis and in early outpatient treatment after contracting COVID-19. The protocols thus complement each other, and both are physiologic-based combination treatment regimens developed by leaders in critical care medicine. All component medicines are FDA-approved, inexpensive, readily available and have been used for decades with well-established safety profiles.

Please find below a list of links to publications and videos of the FLCCC Alliance on the emerging evidence for the use of ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19, and a short list of up-to-date studies and clinical trials on this topic. Please also check, download and share our I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 which is centered around the use of Ivermectin (currently being translated into several languages too).


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I found this from Dr. Kory back in mid-May:

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA Medical Director,

Trauma and Life Support Center Critical Care Service Chief

Associate Professor of Medicine University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Members of our group have now treated in excess of 100 hospitalized patients with our treatment protocol. Nearly all survived, The 2 that died were in their eighties and had advanced chronic medical conditions. None of the patients have had long stays on the ventilator nor become ventilator dependent The patients generally have a short hospital stay and are discharged in good health.

ABSENCE OF EFFECTIVE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: Before I go into the process and rationale for our treatment protocol, I want to highlight three critical factors that we feel are contributing to the COVID-19 crisis which we call upon the health societies to address: 1) The fact that nearly all national and international health societies such as the WHO, CDC, ACP, ATS, and many others have issued treatment recommendations focusing almost solely on “supportive care only” strategies, things like Tylenol for fever, gentle hydration/nutrition then oxygen or a ventilator to support breathing.. THIS STRATEGY IS CLEARLY FAILING AS EVIDENCED BY UNPRECEDENTED DEATH RATES AND WIDESPREAD AND LIFE-THREATENING SHORTAGES IN VENTILATORS, ICU BEDS, AND ICU PHYSICIANS AND NURSES. OUR EARLY RECOGNITION OF THE FAILURE OF THIS TREATMENT APPROACH IS WHAT PROMPTED US TO FORM OUR GROUP.


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"Much in the same way if you were promoting how brutal a dictator Saddam was in 2002 thereby being a dupe for the war cries, taking any stance other than anti-lockdown/mask/vaccine is being complicit in the tyranny the world over has been subjected to for the last nine months."

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Thank you!

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Great interview with Dave, Pete. I had a blast...and now this:

Libertarians who soft sell the draconian statist bullshit, are worse than the state because they con people into believing it. There should be only one acceptable message from anybody who considers themselves libertarian (or libertarian adjacent)...ANY erosion of rights is bad. Any support for the people who are stealing our rights, is bad...even if you believe that some of it might be good.

Don't you fucking tell me which of the state's orders is a good idea.

If you want to wear a mask, wear a fucking mask but know I will hate you for doing it voluntarily.

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I think this is an unfair attribution of motives. I firmly believe it is a violation of property rights to go without a mask onto private property where the owner required a mask. And it obviously isn't the case that I am trying to appease leftists.

For example I posted this yesterday: https://twitter.com/checkmatestate/status/1338202111985651714?s=20

But I also clearly state that the same logic leads to the conclusion that anti-discrimination laws are unjust:


If my motive was to appease leftists, why would I publicly say it's the right of a business owner to deny service based on race?

I don't want to be Republican or Democrat lite. I want to stand for property rights. Wherever that leads me.

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The problem is that private companies are being forced to follow government guidelines. Where I live, all businesses have been ordered, on threat of punitive punishments, to force customers to mask up.

We don't have private property either. At any moment, the government can shut you down and confiscate, what you thought was, your property. You pay for it but you don't own it. Democratic governments around the world have been doing just that, throwing business people in jail for daring to serve customers who are freely choosing to go there.

Also where I live, the same government allows exceptions which all people could use to circumvent the gov mandates (tho most choose to blindly follow orders).

We don't have private companies any more than we have a free society. Every business has to follow arbitrary rules to even get a slip of paper allowing them to operate.

In a truly free market, businesses could decide for themselves who to allow in their stores, what they could sell and if a store wanted to force masking on customers, another business could compete by allowing people to be maskless.

We have nothing like a free market.

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