The egalitarian, classical liberals live in 1982. They refuse to admit where their ideas have lead us.

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James Lindsay just wants to be the smartest guy at the bathhouse.

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It's hilarious to think he's probably the dumbest.

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They think someone saying “there are more than two genders and male and female are interchangeable” deserve the same weight in a conversation as people with a rational point of view. Ironically, in 1982, if you told them they would believe that today, that crazy people have the same value and weight in a conversation, what they exactly believe today, they would have said in 1982, “well, that’s not a real example. Obviously crazy people should be in care facilities and not treated as though they could hold equal ideas to a sane person.” They refuse to acknowledge where (the pit of hell) the slippery slope has sent them.

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They would say people in 1982 were backwards.

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They would say that today. And in 1982, they would tell you what they allow today is insanity. It was just like when everyone said “well, there are issues with the mask. It’s not enforced. It’s just some people wearing it. No one will ever force you to wear it much less get some vaccine. That’s crazy you think that.” Two minutes later, you are crazy for not getting the vaccine and obeying the mandates.

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Very prone to pernicious manipulation. Intellectually susceptible. Probably shouldn’t be allowed to make their own decisions legally because they are so intellectually malleable. Easily taken advantage of. Next scam, they buy in. Shocking they are not destitute. The only surprise about them.

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They don’t realize that they have no standards. Nothing that doesn’t erode under their feet like sand.

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Self appointed moral auditors.

Aksuuuuse me, I need you to explaaaiiin why you like, thiiiink that, so I can tell you where you're like, going wroooong?

Yes, please enlighten me, oh wise one. Explain how my views differ from what mutant retards are told to believe, and how that overrides some uncontested demographic statistic that offends you.

Don't get mad, man. Just laugh. Someday we'll bring back ducking stools and have a good time giving them our response. Meanwhile imagination suffices.

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Yes, Pete. They are fucking retarded.

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8:02, the best sounding FU ever!!!!

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Thanks Pete

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The reality is there's no reasoning with 99.9% of people so why waste your breath?

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