Once you see the pattern, you can’t unsee it. These leftists will stab us in the back at the first opportunity. They’re not frens and they have no solutions. If the Right is to be successful, we need to be excluding more people and building a loyal core, a vanguard some have called it, not including any random fuck that chirps something vaguely agreeable.
I’d love you to have Paul Gottfried on again sometime to discuss this further.
I think it all grows out of how much people want to be good under the current system, its completely internalized, most of them don't realize they are doing it. Lindsey is like the exemplar of what a the future man was supposed to look like twenty years ago, we know now that the failed vision of the future that liberalism predicted is just as awful (I would argue worse is most ways) than the traditional opposition to Marxism, but despite that people can't get past this. Lindsey -should- be a hero to them because that's what they have been told a hero of our times will look like their entire lives, a rationalist materialist scientist who has all the answer and rejects the dark past. They need to be forced to understand that that person is a wastrel who is going to do nothing but lead them back into the same darkness they are trying to escape from.
And it can even be scaled up to leftism at large; insert any 'cause' says that the system is -ist and -phobic and their solution is to increase the system in order to fix it...it's like saying eating all this lead paint is killing me, I should eat more to get better.
How much of this stems from most of the center right still living under the illusion that our enemies will/do engage in good faith debate and conversations?
I used to follow Lindsay back when I still subscribed to the basic tenets of classical liberalism. I can't stomach him now, nor any of these people shilling Enlightenment values. In fact, I remember him putting out an episode proclaiming that we're entering a "new enlightenment" era and that this is a white pill. I think that was when I turned him off completely.
James Lindsay is the biggest Dork web idiots out there that try to explain all this liberal bullshit mumbo jumbo in new super complicated ways to conservative goobers. Can’t stand that faggot and We don’t these classical liberal rinse repeat morons every other 10 years. The guy is only punch’s right he’s not one of us and never will be because he’s one guy that so smart he’s stupid.
It's hard not to appreciate somebody being on the right side of one major topic, but their lack of solutions or progressive solutions are pretty telling that they're not necessarily going to fight for your side to gain or maintain any power.
Scott Adams is similar in that he's obviously an intelligent progressive, and he has a common sense rejection of the blue haired swamp walrus woke values, yet at the end of the day he will tell you he wants progressive ideas to win when it comes to the real power.
People who advocate for "free healthcare" for example are either willingly ignorant of what that power means, or they are pure evil knowingly selling it on a basic "hey man it's a human right" level. The reality is progressives want to control healthcare, and will say that out loud if you listen closely enough. At the end of the day that means who gets what healthcare, not "free".
In a sense it would be easy to somehow put a Lindsay or an Adams in a gatekeeping position, but you'd only find out it's why the right never wins in the first place. The right is always coaxed to the left, it is never the other way around in any meaningful numbers.
I will not make common cause with people who are only laying in wait until I say something for which they will casually and viciously attempt to ruin my life. We live in a passive and sedated society in The West and have lost purpose to our lives, where the only thing we want is to be liked. We're soft.
There is a story I heard back a few years ago when 'Vertigo Politix' AKA 'The Last White Man' AKA 'Going Postal' was still making videos. He recounted a reporter's story of going to Yugoslavia during the Bosnian Civil War in the early 90s: A group of Bosnian Christian soldiers has 2 Muslim Bosniaks held at gunpoint. They are accused of killing the Christian members of the community they lived in. Now they are about to be executed. The brothers are tied together by their hands with rope, doused in gasoline and set on fire while their father watches. Once the boys succumb to the flames, the soldiers take an acetylene torch and burn out his eyeballs, making the deaths of his sons the last thing he would ever see in his life. One of the soldiers then says to the reporter: 'Long after the West has fallen, we will all be here'. Check out the story. Pretty intense:
Once we get to the point where we can burn the eyes out of our enemies with an acetylene torch and stop worrying about if they fucking like us or not, then we will survive.
This is Charles Haywood's tweet from yesterday: '“White supremacy” and “white nationalism” are just updates on “the bourgeoisie” and “the kulaks”—infinitely flexible terms aimed at political enemies, used to justify extortion followed by extermination. Refutation is useless; grasping the intention towards you is crucial.'.
Kissing their ass is not going to persuade them to see you as anything more than a cockroach that needs to be hacked up with a machete'.
If your “anti-woke” ideology starts and ends with identity politics and doesn’t address anything related to control of the healthcare system or who controls the oxygen, we end up back at Covid lockdowns and possibly worse, climate lockdowns and all the other eugenics schemes.
It's the politics of prestige. Leftists own institutional prestige because they own the institutions. Because right-wingers want social status, and social status = prestige, they want to ride the coat-tails of prestigious leftists, and distance themselves from other right-wingers who categorically lack prestige.
To the extent that prestige doesn't reflect reality, it's just habit and delusion. It's basic high school social jockeying bullshit.
You (using the impersonal you henceforth, not the OP) can say leftists are a bunch of chumps, and you can say left-wing institutions are garbage, but until you really internalize these thoughts - until you don't just know but _feel_ reflexively that CNN is a middling youtube channel, The New York Times is a low-rent conspiracy blog, that Harvard is a fly-by-night diploma mill, and so on - you're always going to be letting leftist prestige affect your perceptions.
Learn to hate these people, truly see them as garbage, and treat them as beneath your notice. Notice their stench on everyone who associates with them. Learn to respect your own people, and consider association with prominent, thoughtful right wing luminaries an honor. When this becomes automatic for you, and it becomes difficult for you to have any respect for a leftist or anyone who associates with them, you'll stop _being_ a leftist.
Once you see the pattern, you can’t unsee it. These leftists will stab us in the back at the first opportunity. They’re not frens and they have no solutions. If the Right is to be successful, we need to be excluding more people and building a loyal core, a vanguard some have called it, not including any random fuck that chirps something vaguely agreeable.
I’d love you to have Paul Gottfried on again sometime to discuss this further.
I will try. He's busy af
I think it all grows out of how much people want to be good under the current system, its completely internalized, most of them don't realize they are doing it. Lindsey is like the exemplar of what a the future man was supposed to look like twenty years ago, we know now that the failed vision of the future that liberalism predicted is just as awful (I would argue worse is most ways) than the traditional opposition to Marxism, but despite that people can't get past this. Lindsey -should- be a hero to them because that's what they have been told a hero of our times will look like their entire lives, a rationalist materialist scientist who has all the answer and rejects the dark past. They need to be forced to understand that that person is a wastrel who is going to do nothing but lead them back into the same darkness they are trying to escape from.
Great point.
And it can even be scaled up to leftism at large; insert any 'cause' says that the system is -ist and -phobic and their solution is to increase the system in order to fix it...it's like saying eating all this lead paint is killing me, I should eat more to get better.
How much of this stems from most of the center right still living under the illusion that our enemies will/do engage in good faith debate and conversations?
That's absolutely the issue. More people who just want to be left alone need to realize that's not going to happen and embrace what must be done.
I used to follow Lindsay back when I still subscribed to the basic tenets of classical liberalism. I can't stomach him now, nor any of these people shilling Enlightenment values. In fact, I remember him putting out an episode proclaiming that we're entering a "new enlightenment" era and that this is a white pill. I think that was when I turned him off completely.
Thank you, Pete. No enemies to the right !!!
James Lindsay is the biggest Dork web idiots out there that try to explain all this liberal bullshit mumbo jumbo in new super complicated ways to conservative goobers. Can’t stand that faggot and We don’t these classical liberal rinse repeat morons every other 10 years. The guy is only punch’s right he’s not one of us and never will be because he’s one guy that so smart he’s stupid.
It's hard not to appreciate somebody being on the right side of one major topic, but their lack of solutions or progressive solutions are pretty telling that they're not necessarily going to fight for your side to gain or maintain any power.
Scott Adams is similar in that he's obviously an intelligent progressive, and he has a common sense rejection of the blue haired swamp walrus woke values, yet at the end of the day he will tell you he wants progressive ideas to win when it comes to the real power.
People who advocate for "free healthcare" for example are either willingly ignorant of what that power means, or they are pure evil knowingly selling it on a basic "hey man it's a human right" level. The reality is progressives want to control healthcare, and will say that out loud if you listen closely enough. At the end of the day that means who gets what healthcare, not "free".
In a sense it would be easy to somehow put a Lindsay or an Adams in a gatekeeping position, but you'd only find out it's why the right never wins in the first place. The right is always coaxed to the left, it is never the other way around in any meaningful numbers.
I will not make common cause with people who are only laying in wait until I say something for which they will casually and viciously attempt to ruin my life. We live in a passive and sedated society in The West and have lost purpose to our lives, where the only thing we want is to be liked. We're soft.
There is a story I heard back a few years ago when 'Vertigo Politix' AKA 'The Last White Man' AKA 'Going Postal' was still making videos. He recounted a reporter's story of going to Yugoslavia during the Bosnian Civil War in the early 90s: A group of Bosnian Christian soldiers has 2 Muslim Bosniaks held at gunpoint. They are accused of killing the Christian members of the community they lived in. Now they are about to be executed. The brothers are tied together by their hands with rope, doused in gasoline and set on fire while their father watches. Once the boys succumb to the flames, the soldiers take an acetylene torch and burn out his eyeballs, making the deaths of his sons the last thing he would ever see in his life. One of the soldiers then says to the reporter: 'Long after the West has fallen, we will all be here'. Check out the story. Pretty intense:
Once we get to the point where we can burn the eyes out of our enemies with an acetylene torch and stop worrying about if they fucking like us or not, then we will survive.
This is Charles Haywood's tweet from yesterday: '“White supremacy” and “white nationalism” are just updates on “the bourgeoisie” and “the kulaks”—infinitely flexible terms aimed at political enemies, used to justify extortion followed by extermination. Refutation is useless; grasping the intention towards you is crucial.'.
Kissing their ass is not going to persuade them to see you as anything more than a cockroach that needs to be hacked up with a machete'.
If your “anti-woke” ideology starts and ends with identity politics and doesn’t address anything related to control of the healthcare system or who controls the oxygen, we end up back at Covid lockdowns and possibly worse, climate lockdowns and all the other eugenics schemes.
It's the politics of prestige. Leftists own institutional prestige because they own the institutions. Because right-wingers want social status, and social status = prestige, they want to ride the coat-tails of prestigious leftists, and distance themselves from other right-wingers who categorically lack prestige.
To the extent that prestige doesn't reflect reality, it's just habit and delusion. It's basic high school social jockeying bullshit.
You (using the impersonal you henceforth, not the OP) can say leftists are a bunch of chumps, and you can say left-wing institutions are garbage, but until you really internalize these thoughts - until you don't just know but _feel_ reflexively that CNN is a middling youtube channel, The New York Times is a low-rent conspiracy blog, that Harvard is a fly-by-night diploma mill, and so on - you're always going to be letting leftist prestige affect your perceptions.
Learn to hate these people, truly see them as garbage, and treat them as beneath your notice. Notice their stench on everyone who associates with them. Learn to respect your own people, and consider association with prominent, thoughtful right wing luminaries an honor. When this becomes automatic for you, and it becomes difficult for you to have any respect for a leftist or anyone who associates with them, you'll stop _being_ a leftist.