Dec 14, 2022Liked by Peter R. Quiñones

Johnstone is in the same bucket as most lolbertarians... Sure they have a few zingers once in a while, but as you point out their core 'values' are in essence hot garbage packaged as utopianism. And at least the lolberts say they want limited government.

Marxism is the most vile form of thought, rooted in jealousy, playing the victim, and removing of individual agency/accountability. It is for the sheep who think they can't get ahead because the boogey man holds them down; not because they're lazy, entitled, and never put forth an honest effort at anything. They cheer for equality by means of the Handicapper General crippling and disfiguring the capable and beautiful. In the end, they just want to be told what to do as long as it requires no effort and thought from them.

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Better watch out or James Lindsay will block you on twitter.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Peter R. Quiñones

I'd rather have US troops as far overseas as possible if her or her ilk were the ones giving them orders.

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I’m beginning to settle on; we must create a male institution - a fraternity based around something with widespread appeal, one that would attract the right type of man. I have some ideas, and I’m interested in brainstorming and networking with others. As an example, a Sunday Gun Day group that shoots and blows shit up after church every week could have big uptake, especially if the ammo/reloading equipment was crowdfunded or charity. Unfortunately, the current pool of dudes who want to hang and discuss RW dissident thought or how we might adopt some Leninist or Alinskyite tactics at the county council is small. We have to bring numbers into the hopper first. One thing I’m truly passionate about is rescuing our young men from a life of female servitude and faggotry. As fathers, we all long for a time when we could proudly and confidently put our grandsons on the bus to a summer camp with serious and honorable Men, where we know they will learn the skills, ways, thought and life patterns of proven studs. Creating a men’s and/or young men’s institution centered on an activity with widespread interest is the way. At that point, you need only go viral or present (exposure) a unique opportunity that is exclusive, like learning guns - (gun safety/violence angle for solo Moms) access to firing exclusive guns (full auto). Can we harness and channel the TradChadBro cultural trend to the restoration of American Christian principles? Not in our lifetime. But we can and must retake the territory of the hearts of Men. Yes we need to make it easy for them to participate. That’s just west we’re dealing with. When you and I had a beer at the tavern on the way home from work, these guys are on papoose duty, so they need a little grace.

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Carl Schmitt’s Friend/Enemy distinctions aren’t the only thing that matter here. It’s also a certain level of intellect.

For example this Commie being a Materialist/Physicalist which is what Modernity states is the actual universal religion that there is no God etc. rightfully thinks of drag queen story hour for kids as being an afterthought in the face of a nuclear war.

A God fearing Freethinker OTOH can feel intuitively that there’s something wrong here because they’re can FEEL it internally but a higher intellect Freethinker can parse it out. The drag queens fir kids is part of a psyop designed to sexually imprint and indoctrinate kids to become foot soldiers in a Commie revolt hating God, their parents, America, beauty, etc. because it too is part of a Materialist/Physicalist/Dualist worldview.

Nuclear war as an existential threat is something so large and vast it’s like a supernova or a comet destroying Earth. We don’t have any mental faculty or frame of reference to perceive that scale of destruction. Drag queens for kids down the street OTOH is something both terrifying and something we can do something about.

It’s also the tip of the spear for a full scale Weimar level collapse which can legitimately lead to WW3. At the very least it’s incredibly destabilizing internally and if not resolved will lead to some type of internal civil conflict even if it’s at the local and county levels.

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I am very skeptical of nuclear war ever happening so to me the bigger danger is people who literally want to neuter the population which obviously kills the population. I appreciate what certain people in the anti war community have done and given me knowledge and understanding of foreign affairs. But whenever they go out from the hyper focused subject they sound like leftist and align with leftist. They also almost always seem to be atheist or agnostic and that void has been filled with just foreign policy/affairs.

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