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It is the sequel to the covid nightmare. Those of us (conspiracy theorists) perfectly aware of this have warned the rest over and over. And so the pre cursor to the beast system has been unleashed at full steam. Nobody wants to talk about the digitalization of the prison planet and placing everyone on blockchain or quantum (whichever comes first).

The war between the RU and Ukraine is another planned diversive. Becasue you have seen how the CV19 narrative is quiet now, but the fake vax nonsense keeps on going.

I have lost complete faith in humanity at this point. I do not know how to explain it to friends,this is not about a virus, a cloth over the face, percentage charts between states, race, gender, or any other war. Nobody seems to care to want to know the final goal. And when I say "digital ID is going to be implemented..." people reply ...."it is what they intend to do, but they are loosing".

Loosing?? Is loosing=winning and wiining=loosing ? We live in opposite land. Or another comment I get is "well it is their plan, but it will not succeed!". But they are succeeding becasue nobody is talking about the elephant in the room.

The digitalization of the habitants of this planet means everyone will be linked to a QR code, a digital ID or some mean to be part of the "internet of bodies". It is not a conspiracy. It is what the authors of this giant chaos are telling us they will do.

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