Personal Note: had my youngest at 40. He's just barely manageable for me, but I don't have the energy for a nearly 4 year-old boy to father him the way I would have in my 20s. It's easy for people to say "it's not too late", but it's much harder to live with the consequences of believing it's not too late.

It really takes nearly everything I have to do awesome dad shit. Took em to three parks on friday and could barely move on saturday. In my 20s or 30s, this wouldn't have been an issue. I can't imagine being older and just not being able to do all the things with them that I currently do.

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I miss the old school italian neighborhoods. Remember a black guy stole my buddy's hat, bunch of older dudes we didn't know came out the corner store and stomped him.

That doesn't exist anymore.

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Thanks Pete

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Four of the five biographies are done for our Letter of Introduction to send into the OGC. Just have to wrangle one of the 3-4 verbal "yes's" I've gotten into a writing their bio. Looking forward to getting this submitted. We are looking to cover Wichita and the surrounding areas of Kansas.

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That's fantastic!

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I think people will like our flag. Volga German meets Vendee.

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