The level of depravity of these people really is unimaginable, I mean that literally, anything I could come up with in my mind of the most sick twisted degenerate possible there is already someone out there who already exists who is worse even if we don't know who they are. Even if this imaginary Marquis Du Sade / John Wayne Gacy / Epstein amalgam was reified into existence right now he wouldn't be the worst of the worst of them.

Several shows ago when you had your friend from Real life on talking about context collapse he mentioned that to send them back into the shadows darks things would have to happen. I don't know if I could agree with that characterization, how dark is it to put the worst of the worst under the heel so that the world can go back to sanity and decency? To me it's far darker to be concerned with what happens to them all the while they sit out in the daylight openly corrupting everything they touch, even the daylight itself.

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I think we are already overlooking too many horrors and tolerating too much abuse. The horrors happening currently are beyond incomprehensible to good people.

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We don't have the courts or Marshall class on our side. I believe the Marshall class is with us but organization would be viewed as treason.

This is one of the better articles I've read recently on what good people have to do. Although I agree with much of what he has to say, the street protests are a really bad idea right now.


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The spontaneous Canadian trucker protest was good (if it was in fact truly spontaneous) but yes mass protest is for the regime and their street thugs. When the right does it, it’s a terror attack.

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From the article: "We may also ask: Does Biden command this loyalty? Will the military and federal law enforcement gun down civilians en masse for our current, senile, leadership class of corrupt gerontocrats? I harbor a growing suspicion the answer to that question is 'no.'"

I've thought about this before, especially after that Biden speech a few months back. I don't think the answer to that question is" yes" either, but let's say it was (because we're undeniably heading that direction). I genuinely do not know how the conservative right would react if the regime were to execute a group of "domestic terrorists" in cold blood, Waco style, even if it involved children being killed. We know how adherents to the Left would react. Conservatives on the right? I'm not sure. There would be small sections who may take up arms or become dupped in Whitmer-style FED plots, sure. But what about the rest? Would there be enough of us who would put our foot down, regardless of the law or Constitutionality of our actions? Would they forsake the bullshit political formula that's been shoved down our throats, finally?

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Thank you for writing these brave and true words, Pete. Your thoughts and observations are bracing and encouraging in these dark luciferian days. Fix bayonets, and let us give them a 'whiff of the grape' [in Minecraft].

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I think you're spot on.

I recently re-watched Apocalypse Now and Kurz has been echoing in my head "the horror, the horror", what the commies did to the vaccinated kids in the movie is the same as pedo island. The craven, power hungry commies will commit unspeakable acts to seize and hold onto power.

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If you've spent any time around ponds or lakes, you know what a turnover is. Until the last year or so I thought I knew what I had been preparing for.

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I genuinely believe that what will arise once the pendulum swings back toward the right in response will contain elements of a different type of evil if we don't accept that we are playing a game of life and death and lead that new right ourselves. I assume this is what you are getting at in this piece

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I hope I made that clear without saying it explicitly. I want people to be able to think for themselves and reason out solutions.

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Did they nuke your YT? 😭😭

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