The largest, most powerful companies in the world - “tech companies” - are openly collaborating with governments around the world, and when you point this out to certain people they accuse you of wanting the government to get involved.
Ethics requires an ought to derive a universally preferable behavior, so if you are attempting to avoid subjectivity and relativism then you need a metaphysics in order to derive an epistemic argument, and you cannot get that from pragmatism given that there are all sorts of false beliefs and assumptions that can be derived pragmatically.
Which is why Natural Law is silly. In the animal kingdom I see predator v. prey. Without a God and specifically one that expressed Free Will and Personhood Ethics becomes ungrounded. Hume 101.
If you aren't personally taking "give me liberty or give me death" to heart, you will get slavery followed shortly thereafter by death. At this time in history, your life in slavery isn't the commodity it once may have been, to those in "mastery."
"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias" ...literally.
Ethics requires an ought to derive a universally preferable behavior, so if you are attempting to avoid subjectivity and relativism then you need a metaphysics in order to derive an epistemic argument, and you cannot get that from pragmatism given that there are all sorts of false beliefs and assumptions that can be derived pragmatically.
Which is why Natural Law is silly. In the animal kingdom I see predator v. prey. Without a God and specifically one that expressed Free Will and Personhood Ethics becomes ungrounded. Hume 101.
If you aren't personally taking "give me liberty or give me death" to heart, you will get slavery followed shortly thereafter by death. At this time in history, your life in slavery isn't the commodity it once may have been, to those in "mastery."
"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias" ...literally.