There are more people with libertarian beliefs who identify as republican than identify openly as libertarian, and too many who openly identify as libertarian are leftist degenerates attracted to libertarianism because it allows them to continue to be scum.
Defeating the regime means defeating the Progressives. Having people who celebrate Progressive ideals and ends as part of your "team" is suicide. Identify those who recognize the enemy and form coalitions to fight them. We're past telling people to "Read Rothbard".
You either crush the march that has been going on for 100 years or you succumb to it. Or, as we've seen with so many libertarians, they either adopt Progressive beliefs (Trans Rights), or choose a path that concludes in Progressive ends.
Libertarianism as an "In the box" ideology has failed. People have heard your plans and mocked them. If you want a future for your children the ruling ideology which is decidedly anti-children must be smashed for all time.
Until libertarians present a plan that normies can agree with to smash the Left, they will always be the, "I've got a book for you to read, man" powerless group they’re seen as.
And for those who will argue that Right-wingers don't have a plan either, why don't you come up with one for them? You brag about being the "smartest people in the room" so why don't you fucking prove it!
Be a hero for once. Maybe start by being one to someone in your personal life first and work from there. Libertarians pretend to have all of the answers but all you have are conclusions. You have no path to reach them.
Present some answers in real life for once. Seriously, some of us need help out here. Join the real world and provide answers on how to achieve goals or what the fuck are you even doing?
Pete - just wanted to say I found your podcast early this year and it opened up my eyes to the real world. Lolbertarians are either completely utopian dreamers or like you say, scum using libertarian ideals as cover.
First glaring steps that come out of this last election cycle is we need to stop the indoctrination of the youth. Start with local school boards and relentlessly squash this shit. Teach kids to think critically and ask questions of those who seek to rule them. Raise a generation of kids who make the ideologues in secondary education sweat, scream, and cry.
It is possible, but it starts at home and in your home town.
The first word out of their mouth when some marxist starts spouting about structural colonial patriarchal hegemony and climate equity for the underserved discriminated against minorities should be "BULLSHIT".
Rand Paul and Thomas Massie won their races handily. You’d think the lolbert guild would take the right lesson from that, but I’m not at all shocked that they didn’t. They’d rather get on their knees for Paul Pelosi than admit that 99% of decent libertarians are Republicans or on the Right. The rest are just leftists who haven’t admitted it to themselves yet.