The blinders conservatives have on regarding cops really disturbs me. Make sure every conservative you know watches videos coming out of Australia. They have to know where this all is going, and their eternal hope some Deus ex Machina will swoop down and rescue their community is dangerous. Make them understand, like Pete said, no one is coming to save you.

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I'm big on the "Democrats call Africans animals" theme. It has always shut them up. Followed by my suggestion that Democrats who successfully dissuade people from taking the working treatments who then die should be tried and convicted of murder. For which there is no statute of limitations:

The new drug is the latest in a series of efforts against river blindness. In one program, the World Health Organization has made an intensive effort to eradicate the black fly from wide areas. The program has enabled farmers to return to abandoned riverside areas and restore hundreds of square miles to cultivation.

In Burkina Faso, where ivermectin has been under field trials, officials said the program's success had resulted in a virtual land rush as abandoned villages were repopulated.

''This discovery is an answered prayer for the third world,'' Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, said at the news conference. ''Merck's gift to the World Health Organization is more than a medical breakthrough - it is truly a triumph of the human spirit.''


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I learned a while ago that when people are abandoned by the medical field they take charge of their health. This is a very empowering event in a person life because it brings the medical authority figures from divine status to human. ;)

Yes sometimes you have to take risks.

Invermectin is used in the lyme community plenty. Matter of fact most treatments used for Lyme disease work also (strangely) for COVID. Invermectin for humans is available of course but it is hard to get without Rx and too many questions asked by the white coats.... I always got mine in India. When I thought I got the vid (or whatever greek abc strain I got ) I took three doses AND I was better from the cough in 3 days. Prior to that back in 2017 I used invermectin for horses (it is the same formulation for humans becasue..... ya know....horses are worth 2 million dollars.

Invermectin has blood thinning properties which is probably another reason it works for COVID. I

It is clear to me the psychopaths do not love us!!

I never though I will witness in my life so much ignorance, compliance and fear.....vomit propaganda. We must eradicate this predatory energy and that is truly the only solution.

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