Two Masks and an Anal Swab, Stat!
“Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.”
We have reached peak stupidity. Oh, did you think I meant the people who are making the suggestions and recommendations that cross the line into the absurd? While recently I would have meant that, but those inane ideas and preposterous proposals would mean nothing if there weren’t masses of simpletons willing to bend over and muzzle themselves. Here we are in 2021, and large swaths of numpties are double-masking and asking where they can receive their anal-assessment while the people responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands chuckle at their credulousness.
All joking aside, we are at a crossroads. What do those who value liberty and privacy do when the majority of the populace has progressed beyond Camus-like absurdity? This shouldn’t even be a question. There is no sane reality where people other than those you choose to associate with should have a say in your life. If twelve months ago someone described the world we live in today, you would’ve thought they were madder than your neighbor or family member who now, in “normal” conversation, states that they believe the anal-swab test will probably be “the most accurate test yet!”
I make every attempt, in real-time, to counter the nonsense that is being shoved down our throats (or, up our asses, maybe that’s the “real test”). Lately things are changing quickly. I’ve talked before about constantly being in “fight or flight” mode and I’m not being hyperbolic. I now have an exit strategy, one which didn’t exist twelve months ago.
We’re at the point (and in hindsight always have been) where normal, everyday people are as dangerous - if not more so - than the State. If you embrace Andrew Breitbart’s quote that “politics is downstream from culture,” and you’ve been paying attention to normies for the past year, you have to be at least nervous about the future. Yes, there are many instances I have pointed to that should give you hope, but to believe things can’t get much worse before they get better is pie-in-the-sky thinking. Double-masking and fanny-flu inspections may be ludicrous, but there are far more dangerous conversations being had while we gaze upon the preposterous. There are some genuinely irrational tactics being openly discussed that we must keep in our sights and speak out about to whomever will listen.
I read the title to the tune of Beck's "Where it's at"
From Yesterday, for all those looking for all the ways the “Superb Owl is Satanic.”
This is all I will say on the matter:
A musician who goes by The Week’nd (sounds like “The Weakened”) leads a crowd of faceless, masked drone people to a field to social distance before blindly running into each other.
Don’t be distracted by anything else than what is plain and obvious and happening for the past few months at a grocery store near you.
By the way, if you are wearing a mask to go out in the world, should you be shocked or disappointed in a brief, entertaining half time show and it’s small indirect implications on the reality you have been playing into and co-creating directly for over half a year?