Just tolerate harder. It totally works and doesnt set you up for further failure. (((Rubs hands together)))

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Why don't we take the undesirables... and push them somewhere else!?

Seriously I wish we had enough completely unexplored endless wilderness that we could bring back exiling as an effective way of dealing with people who we absolutely can't live with.

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Herding the undesirables away may be the only path going forward.

Whether anyone likes it or not.

It's not like it hasn't been done b4.

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Eleventy Gazillion Percent Accuracy Achieved!

Not only should we be concentrating in advantageous areas, we should be forward thinking and collectively, strategically target business or services that will most-likely last into what comes next, in those very areas. We become the chamber of commerce. Look for useful parallels in groups who’ve already established a carve out for their way of life eg Mormons, Amish, Mennonites, ranchers, co-ops, unions etcetera. Opt-in group land purchases are cheap. A group of 100 families could begin buying up raw perimeter land very quickly with $100/mo. or anything else like local businesses or storefronts for sale. Sovereign wealth fund! I could go on. The point is where there’s the will, there’s a thousand ways. It’s still America in most ways for the time being. If we chose to do an unapologetic rightwing free state project of sorts, I believe it could be successful in a lot of ways.

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Dang anyways that was a lot of ways. 😂

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Where we movin' to boss?

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In the process.

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Say the word. 🥹😅

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I listened to an interview with a young Afrikaner recently. He made a substack article a couple of years ago talking about 'when to retreat and when to dig trenches'. It might have been with Auron. I forget. But, his words were unforgettable. He was advancing the cause that his people were working towards in South Africa generally, and Orania specifically. He said something that really made me realize the position they were in. To paraphrase: 'If we were to move to Nebraska, my children would marry Americans and then we would lose our identity within two generations. As it stands now, my government is trying to erase our culture and language. It is time for us to make our stand here, on the land which I can trace my roots back to the mid 1600s'. That is where we are now. I left NJ and moved to Missouri. I am tired of running. I am not moving to Central Asia or South America in order to distance myself from what is actually happening not just here but all over the West. This is OUR problem. This is MY country. My ancestral lineage is from Italy on both sides, but I am separated from my ancestors by over 100yrs, so that ship sailed a long time ago. We need a new Feudal System. New City States. New kingdoms, much like the Middle Ages. Not because I am excited for something like that to happen, but because it is what happened out of necessity when Rome deteriorated and declined in the 5th and 6th centuries. Charles Haywood of The Worthy House touched on this topic yesterday, recommending the forming of small communities with self defense forces. Those communities will naturally form what I mentioned previously.

I am not abandoning this land or my people.

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Mar 31, 2023
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You must get your friends in power.

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