"Keep your cards close to your vest." Great advice, Pete. I need to practice this discipline better in the future. Thanks.

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I had a stroke so I rarely talk about making plans out loud but I've had conversations without electronic devices in my bedroom closet.

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I talk way too much out loud. I'll never be able to run for public office. lol

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I've gone down the onlne privacy rabbit hole quite a few times. My most recent conclusion from those trips is that the best defense is anonymity. How can someone target if they don't know you exist, essentially. Online there is not really such a thing as anonymity, and if you really want to preserve that your best choice is to simply do without the internet as much as possible. A step down from that is simply don't share anything online that you don't want to bite you later. I think I am preaching to the choir here a little, so apologies for that. Regardless, this video was a reminder to me to try to do without my phone from time to time, as well as be more mindful of my conduct online.

Also, one of the things that you mentioned in some past content about the recent Old Glory Club conference that I really appreciated was that there was a "no cellphones" rule (IIRC). Obviously I don't really know what that entailed entirely, but it was a white pill for me in a sense. Mainly because it just showed to me that your group is serious about what they do.

As always, I appreciate your content.

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Totally on point. I’ve slowly but surely learned to shut my mouth more and more. I’ve commented here less, not because I don’t want to… it’s just that I have a lot on my plate. Too much to lose, in fact. Thanks, Pete. Great advice. Money won’t save any of us. Only God.

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Your words keep me on track. Thank you and God Bless, brother.

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What did Brother Nathanael do? You said he got exposed

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I’m curious what science you have heard about that you cannot believe exists.

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Thanks Pete

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Mr. snail brain doesn’t understand. Private criminals such as stealing your email and sending you loan offers / spam? And public criminals such as the alphabet bois ?

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