I've long believed the US to be in an irreversible rut. With every step forward in this rut, the walls around us become higher and higher. Our rut is too narrow to turn round in. As the analog generations die off, we can no longer see over the walls. This analogy works in virtually any context, be it economic, social, cultural et al. So how do we climb from a rut? 1, Stop trudging forward. 2, gain a toehold in the wall (elites). 3, demand your countrymen climb alongside you (outlaw life that deviates from societal norm) etc etc
Humpty Dumpty’s fucked; there’s no going back. Use this intermediate time to stockpile and train. Build friend groups and enemy lists. Both will be important some day for some reason.
I have a two-year-old daughter. These people terrify me because I know what I would gladly become to keep them away from her.
I've long believed the US to be in an irreversible rut. With every step forward in this rut, the walls around us become higher and higher. Our rut is too narrow to turn round in. As the analog generations die off, we can no longer see over the walls. This analogy works in virtually any context, be it economic, social, cultural et al. So how do we climb from a rut? 1, Stop trudging forward. 2, gain a toehold in the wall (elites). 3, demand your countrymen climb alongside you (outlaw life that deviates from societal norm) etc etc
Let's make sure we keep this woman's name recorded.
I won't forget
Look into the SSReyes of this demon.
Humpty Dumpty’s fucked; there’s no going back. Use this intermediate time to stockpile and train. Build friend groups and enemy lists. Both will be important some day for some reason.
I have a two-year-old daughter. These people terrify me because I know what I would gladly become to keep them away from her.
Shave her head and march her naked through the streets.