Heavy episode. Eye opening.

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Thanks for doing this. I wanted to read Rufo's article, but, no time.

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What happened to Citizens Arrest?


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There are specific circumstances where dereliction of duty could lead to criminal charges:

If the dereliction results in serious harm or death: For example, if a lifeguard fails to act in a timely manner when someone is drowning, and that person dies as a result, the lifeguard could face criminal charges such as manslaughter.

If the dereliction is part of a larger criminal conspiracy: If someone is failing to perform their duties as part of a larger criminal scheme, they could be charged with conspiracy or aiding and abetting.

ie: Criminal Negligence

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There are dozens of ways by which we could claim legitimacy and by which we can legitimize our actions. These justifications are a necessary thing, and it benefits us to sharpen these rhetorical weapons as well, but our primary struggle is to acquire the material, social, and spiritual power to do the things for which we will need these explanations.

That said, criminal negligence is a good one to be aware of.

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