Someone - I don’t know who decides these things - declared January 11th “National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.” While I agree human trafficking is an issue, my conspiratorial mind wonders if the people responsible for declaring January 11th as such, aren’t the same people participating in… never mind.
Pedophiles statistically speaking have to be everywhere. They say one in three girls and one in six boys in the US *reports* having been sexually molested by the age of 12. That's FAR FAR higher than those who get trafficked. How many go unreported? By these numbers, it's safe to assume "they" are among us. It's retarded to assume the ruling class is somehow immune to or above their reach. As it turns out, pedophiles are people. So are politicians. Same potential for moral depravity across the board.
Pedophiles statistically speaking have to be everywhere. They say one in three girls and one in six boys in the US *reports* having been sexually molested by the age of 12. That's FAR FAR higher than those who get trafficked. How many go unreported? By these numbers, it's safe to assume "they" are among us. It's retarded to assume the ruling class is somehow immune to or above their reach. As it turns out, pedophiles are people. So are politicians. Same potential for moral depravity across the board.