Purity spiraling is only going to expedite a horrible reality, and put an imbecile in the Oval Office. Unacceptable. While we eat our own, these dumb liberal white women will happily send all of our young men out to be slaughtered in some drummed up war without a second thought, just to support their girl power bs. We can’t let them win- I’m sick of this feminine infighting amongst our so-called people. Thanks Pete. We need to throw a hard check into these fools.

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Boomers: If we just vote the bums out everything will be better.

Libertarians: If people would just follow NAP and stop voting everything will be better.

Our Guys: That’s not how the world works, change happens gradually. Not everything is black and white. You’ll have to be practical if you want anything positive to happen.

Response: You have no principles

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As you say (quoting Thomas), those who hear your words of wisdom and refuse (for whatever reason) to heed them: "you're not going to make it."

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That rings over and over in my head when I (bother anymore to) engage in normie discussion of politics. Within 30 seconds I just want to and occasionally say it directly to them. They look confused, probably because MSNBC or Foxnews tells them they will. You can't make the horse drink.

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Do you share the shows you are guests on, where can I find that information?

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I try to

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Congrats on getting onto those other podcasts. I hope you will be well received by them and their audience.

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Thanks for the message.

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I love ya Pete, I hear ya too!! Thanks for all you do!!

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One thing to keep an eye on with Thiel. He’s 56 and has a famous $5 billion Roth IRA, which he can start drawing from tax-free at 59. The lecture circuit probably does more to grow/maintain the account than potential political controversies. Perhaps we see him back in the game again in three years once the account becomes liquid.

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Thanks Pete.

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They’re not our guys, but they just happened to install the closest thing we’ve ever had to “our guy” in my lifetime as the VP candidate and heir apparent to the party.

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