When I started this Substack I had no real vision for it other than as a place to post if I were de-platformed across Social Media. It has evolved into a location where I can work out thoughts I have about why libertarianism is impotent and my ideas to change that.
It all began with me wondering whether the Libertarian Party (LP) could ever be sufficiently Machiavellian in nature to become an effective political force. Last week I saw a glimmer of hope and wrote about it here. And now, in what looks like a move that was planned before the expulsion of Jackie Perry, the current Chair of the LP New Hampshire (LPNH), Jilletta Jarvis, along with the Chair of the Libertarian Party National (LPN), Joe Bishop-HENCHMAN, re-wrote the Party bylaws and expelled the Executive and Judicial committee, which just so happens to be comprised of Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC) members. Essentially they removed all Mises Caucus members in the kind of Machiavellian move I had been waiting for. Of course it was pulled off by rat fucks that are beneath anyone associated with the LPMC but nonetheless it is impressive.
I always assumed fake libertarians like Henchman were Democratic National Committee (DNC) infiltrators, and watching a typical DNC move like this only solidifies it in my mind. I mean, c’mon, this is the new pledge you have to take to join the LPNH:
That is “stunning and brave” personified. It also signals to one half of the country that the Libertarian Party is no different than the “woke left.” Anyone on the Right reading that pledge will run away and never consider it again. It pains me to have to remind people that our natural allies come from the Right, not the Left.
This move may be the death knell for the idea that the LP will ever be libertarian again. There seems to be a small group that wants to keep the party as irrelevant as it has always been so they can continue to feel like big fish in the small pond that is the LP. If the Chair of the party is part of the collusion to keep the Mises Caucus out of power, fucking good luck making it libertarian again. Honestly, I hope that the LPMC can take control and jettison all Progressive flotsam and jetsam from the party but that battle is going to have to be fought from the top where the LPMC is not currently represented.
I’m reminded of the speech by Jim Malone (played by Sean Connery) in The Untouchables where he tells Ness that in order to get Capone, “They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue!” It was a brutal response by the LPNH, but it was a response I can’t help but admire a little.
Wow what a dirty move! Shit like this is why I started a Libertarian Party in my county in Georgia so we can get Mises caucus delegates in the state party and help vote Angela Mccardle in as the chair of the national Party. If that fails I think we will need to re-access our approach
Wow. Another victory for the Short Bus Caucus. Dumb question: Aren’t they misconstruing the meaning of “bigot” and “bigotry”? Aren’t there TWO characteristics of such people? A libertarian who takes a live and let live position regarding the people who are not part of their preferred tribe or in-group isn’t really “intolerant”, right? They are letting "the other" live in peace.
Further, the Short Bus Caucus types do not understand how libertarianism would work in practice and they do not think that it can work. A group of people on their own property who allegedly loathe “minorities” who live somewhere else but will let them live in peace are no danger to those “minorities”. Historically, the “minorities” might be all slaughtered and their heads stuck on poles.
BIGOT - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics AND IS INTOLERANT OF THOSE WHO DIFFER. n.
The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance. n.
BIGOTRY - The character or mode of thought of a bigot; obstinate and unreasonable attachment to a particular creed, opinion, practice, ritual, or party organization; excessive zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect, or opinion; intolerance of the opinions of others.