Not only do I not want to share a polity with these degenerates, but were they neighbors, I would advocate for war.

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Saying it’s homophobic to speak out against pedophilia should come with a one way ticket to a camp, and not the kind where they get to diddle kids.

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Saying it's homophobic to speak out against pedophilia is a horribly stark example of them telling on themselves and makes me wonder how self-aware they are(n't).

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This is absolutely horrifying. Keep your children away from those who teach this and unfortunately, their peers who believe it.

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My college piano teacher gave me “A language older than words” as a graduation present in 2002. I loved the book. Ive lost track of him all of these years and this is the first time ive ever seen a video of him. I guess im relieved to know that an author and book i greatly respected and appreciated in my far left hey day is relevant 20 years later. I want to re-read it now. What year was this video made?

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It looks like 2018 from my research

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Heard one person yell, "We see you!" Well, now we see you and your friends. And we are prepared.

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When the pendulum swings, everything on the internet, will still be on the internet as evidence.

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I like that there were some in the audience who knew the answers and seem to be siding with Derrick Jansen. The people that wanted to shout him down or say shame on you or somehow say he was homophobic (ironic) because of what he was saying clearly live in a different reality. They believe there are 5 lights and will die on the hill of there are 5 lights. These people should be removed from society

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I don't want to share a space with anyone that The Uncle would distance himself from

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holy shit the reactions from the students are wild.

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This was... When confronted with facts, they scream “racist.” Essentially- they can’t handle the truth.

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I read End Game Part 1, he's extremely radical Eco. I understand his position, but he wants to roll it allll the way back. His conversation with Keith Woods was interesting. (Despite his dogs that kept interrupting)

This video is truly infamous. He pulls down the proverbial curtains with dark humor and intellectual finesse'.

They all gotta go.....all of them.

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