"mistaking activity for success". Man that is important.

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As a business owner can confirm this is all spot on. Also if you think you could run your own business, you better honestly fit into the top 2% not 20%. The discipline required for the first years of the business would be mind boggling to the other 98%.

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Busy work isn't the same as creating the life one loves living.

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I feel like this post was written directly for me. I should get back to my work now.

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I strive to be in the 20, but I feel like I have an 80 mindset. Less so now than when I was younger, but I definitely have to work at it.

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Trying to apply this to myself. I frequently work over 40 hours and do not get overtime for it. Fortunately I get paid for it but the way my boss breaks things up, I only get overtime after being on a job for 8 hours. If I’m on a job at location x and leave there after 8 hrs and go to another job (y) I get paid my regular rate starting at hour 0.

I’ve learned it’s not the case with other companies and people who work in the same industry. They’ll get 1.5 after 8 hours regardless where they go. This and other reasons has me feeling jaded and unwilling to pick up a wrench and do a little bit extra for the company. I feel like I’m getting fucked. Others have said I am.

Rant over. 🙄

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