When it comes to dealing with the same uneducated arguments I used to make; I can be as insufferable as a former smoker around people having a puff. When I post something highlighting some evil being done in a state-run school, and someone comments, “just end government schooling,” I experience the cringe I have for my former self and immediately want to lash out at that person, And I often do. Why? Mostly because I see that response as no different than someone falling out of a plane without a parachute and somebody screaming to “just end gravity!” Will there be a time when state schools don’t exist? Possibly. Will that be soon. Highly improbable. So, we have to deal with what’s in front of our noses. And yes, homeschool. But as I’m getting tired of repeating, the 95% that aren’t being homeschooled are going to enslave the 5% down the road. Especially if you’re teaching your homeschooled child that, for example, power is immoral.
Which is what I want to talk about. In a world of billions of memes none is more perfect than this one, in my opinion:
Notice that the bat is labeled ‘govt power’. Of course, posting this was met with weeping and gnashing of teeth. Memes, by their nature, almost always have at least a hint of a ‘straw man argument’ in them. I don’t see one here. This is the reality so many aren’t willing to acknowledge. And so many hate the word ‘reality’. 'Reality’ has been defined by many IDENTIFYING with the anarchist/libertarian/voluntaryist/agorist labels as 'statism’. Why yes, that’s the default in the world. I know you don’t like it but I don’t care. Grow the fuck up! You can build your off the grid or intentional community, or start a garden, or HODL Bitcoin, and your enemies will still ‘Randy Weaver’ your ass.
Power, by many, is deemed immoral. This is just bullshit! I don’t care what appeal to authority you throw at me, power is no more immoral than a gun. It’s how it’s used. And power will ALWAYS exist. Authority comes from nature. To deny this is to deny nature, and I don’t suffer fools who spout slogans as a means of trying to advance their fallacious arguments. Power exists. At this time in history, and probably for the next millennia or more, power will be in the hands of what people either perceive or have been taught is THE authority. And that is the State.
When you finally leave ‘Ancapistan in your head’ and accept the State as the default, you can examine the above meme, see its validity, and THEN make a decision. For most, the decision will only be a mental ascent to the reality we live under. Others may decide to get active, or support those they most agree with. And some will choose to ignore reality and take whatever comes their way while possibly preparing for the worst. I’m fine with all of these. If one wants to wait to get their head smashed in, or have their child deformed by State actors because of a set of principles that are more important than the lives they’ve been entrusted to protect, I can’t do anything about that. Just shut your hole when it comes to those who see political reality and choose to engage in it. Your moralizing is as childish as expecting to live in Ancapistan in this lifetime.
Same. I can’t help but be angry at the libertarian for being the person I was 5 seconds ago… but it’s different, somehow, than the contempt I felt for the statist when I was a libertarian. I don’t know that I would be capable of seeing the world as I do now if I’d not taxationisthefted my way through the last decade, but I’m weirdly contemptuous of the journey despite the wisdoms it made possible. I also think of the others who made the trip before me whom I scorned and ridiculed. I don’t feel guilty, because my words came from a place of ignorance, but I do feel something. I hope those trailblazers found solace in their solitude. I hope I will find the same.
I get angrier at conservative or conservatarian arguments. Both bc they have much more opportunity for power and bc deep down I was more conservative than ancap libertarian even when i was a member of the LP.
I feel like libertarians are built for debate and can only really find their own way out of it. Luckily, they all seem to love reading, so hopefully its a matter of time before they actually read the right shit.
The conservative base is more reachable imo. Most of them are only conservative bc they think that's the only way to not be a lib. Convincing them that there are better ways to not be a lib seems like a productive usage of one's time, whereas libertarians just want to be above left/right and be seen as reasonable to whomever their audience is