Pete, I'm a boomer, and I can affirm, anecdotally what you're saying about my generation - history will record us as the "worst generation." And our hegemonic, jingoistic stubbornness not only prevents us from admitting this, but as a result, we offer no solution to what we created. And we won't. The only poetic justice will be, financial calamity that might be in the near term that will wipe out all of the gains from the trade-offs we made between our children and our retirements.

My wife and I saw this 35 years ago and we're retired living on a farm with 2 of our four adult children and the 8 grandchildren they gave us. My other daughter and her husband live 14 miles a way and my son is in Miami, but well-enough off that he flies home a lot. I fully expect that "if" he marries, he'll either move on our farm with his bride or buy a few hundred acres near us.

But, all those decisions were made 37 years ago, and while we didn't follow our plan perfectly, we did it well enough to be where we are now. Ending our lives more wealthy than riches could have ever bought.

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Thanks for the white pill

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I feel like the only grownup in the room these days. I’ve got childish insufferable boomers on one side and childish incompetent young millennials and zoomers on the other. Sure, there’s good ones on both groups but damn…..

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Gen X really is cursed. We're smart enough to know what's going on and why, but many of us are too beat up to get off our asses and fix it.

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Not sure I'm actually a "boomer", born at the tail-end of the (Hubs def is @ 12yrs my senior) but my oldest & dearest 'southern' friend drilled it into my little Connect-i-cutie head

~ from the time I came south & practically until the day she died ~ "Never tell everything ya know.....Cuz then, ya don't know nothing!!"

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Thanks Pete

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Yes, I understand mein Fuhrer. We don't want any uninvited guests.

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The key inflection point for me is the outcome of the presidential election. If Kamala wins, I expect taxation of unrealized capital gains. I'm not going to be paupered, eliminating all my property and freedom.

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People don’t know how to lead their lives. we don’t have many “men” nowadays, it’s something I hope to become better at. I Need a family, can’t have that if I cannot lead it.

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