Thanks Pete. Uphill battles don’t matter when it’s for God and our families.

Viva Cristo Rey.

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some people just can’t be happy. can’t please em. i can empathize with people who have been or see themselves as so beaten down that if a sliver of hope emerges they can’t trust it and talk themselves out of acknowledging it.

every silver lining has a touch of grey

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I get it. I've been there

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to ur point during yesterdays live stream about not being rude, obviously trolls have to be blocked or ignored, but guessing a lot of blackpillers just need more time and assistance getting over the hump. ur right about lack of ambition. if you aren’t working most of the time towards yours best life whatever that is, into that vacuum of purpose toxic ideas pour in and sit.

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Would love to see a discussion of how to prevent COINTELPRO operations in these organizations and how to properly vet people. As these movements grow, some will gain traction and at that point they are guaranteed to be infiltrated by agents, who's only goal is to gain control of the management and take down these things from the inside.

I never see this talked about and it's the thing I've seen wipe out many of these efforts over the years.

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This is awesome! 💥💯

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